IFSC code for Prathama UP Gramin Bank, Prathama up gramin bank imps, Moradabad, Maharashtra
Updated on: Sunday, December 1, 2024
Prathama UP Gramin Bank
Prathama Up Gramin Bank Imps, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Ram Ganga Vihar, Phase Ii, Moradabad 244001
Prathama UP Gramin Bank
Prathama Up Gramin Bank Imps, Mumbai, Maharashtra
Ram Ganga Vihar, Phase Ii, Moradabad 244001
Bank Details
Bank Code
(Based on IFSC)
Bank Code
(Based on MICR)
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IFSC Code of Prathama UP Gramin Bank
Every Prathama UP Gramin Bank branch in India has a unique Prathama UP Gramin Bank IFSC Code. Prathama UP Gramin Bank IFSC Code enables Prathama UP Gramin Bank account holders to send and receive money electronically. Prathama UP Gramin Bank IFSC Code is assigned by RBI (Reserve Bank of India) to each branch as it helps in carrying out RTGS and NEFT transactions smoothly.
Benefits of IFSC Code
Unique Identification: IFSC code helps in unique identification of all banks and their respective branches.
Smooth Fund Transfer: IFSC code enables convenient and hassle-free transfer of funds from one bank account to another.
Monitoring Transactions: IFSC code is used by RBI to keep track of all the bank transactions. It lowers the chances of discrepancy.
Format of Prathama UP Gramin Bank IFSC Code PUNB0SUPGB5
The IFSC code of all accounts in the same branch of the bank is standard. It is an 11 digit alphanumeric code.
The first four letters of the code, i.e., PUNB, denotes the name of the bank which is Prathama UP Gramin Bank.
The fifth character is 0.
The last six digits of the code, i.e., SUPGB5, represents the branch which is Prathama UP Gramin Bank
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MICR Code of Prathama UP Gramin Bank
Every Prathama UP Gramin Bank branch in India has a unique Prathama UP Gramin Bank MICR Code. MICR code for Prathama UP Gramin Bank can be found on a cheque leaf and bank passbook. It is a 9 digit code printed on the last line of a cheque leaf. One can also find MICR code on the website of Prathama UP Gramin Bank. MICR code is used for faster and secure processing of cheques.
Benefits of MICR Code
High Level of Security: The use of magnetic ink ensures MICR characters are readable even if a document is obscured by marks.
Authentication of Docs: MICR code authenticates the originality and legality of paper based docs. in the banking system.
Faster Processing: There is no manual input and hence the processing of MICR information is fast and errors are reduced.