Easy sign-up
Easy and hassle-free sign up
Start selling in 200+ countries
One integration, complete solution
Global payment solution for your business
Stay safe as you grow your business
Protect your business from international fraud while accepting more orders and enabling more seamless international payments
Locked system
Address Verification System
Our in-house AVS dramatically boosts transaction security while keeping payments frictionless
Risk Engine
AI-based risk engine
We deploy automated machine learning to identify and stop fraudulent behavior in real-time
3D Secure
Automated digital FIRC:
Compliance simplified with Razorpay
We've made compliance easier and faster for businesses accepting international payments. Now, you can download your digital FIRC (Foreign Inward Remittance Certificate) every month off your dashboard - with no manual effort, with no tickets raised, and at no additional cost!
Accept global payments like a local with international payment methods
3/4ths of international online payments leverage local digital payment methods - and with our growing network of partners, we've got you covered. Increase customer confidence, comfort, and conversion rates with India's widest array of international payment methods
North America
Trustly logo
Poli logo
Australia & New Zealand
Paypal logo
North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa
Visa logo
Mastercard logo
American Express
North America, Europe
Diners Club
North America
Simple pricing, no hidden charges
With no setup or maintenance fees and one of the lowest transaction charges in the industry, pay only when you get paid
Standard Plan
Razorpay platform fee
For international credit cards and payment methods.
Enterprise Plan
Explore our premium features that drive more value for large enterprises such as enhanced fraud protection.
No setup costs, no maintenance fee, and access to the full suite of Razorpay products. *GST Applicable. PayPal charges and taxes not included.