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Website Builder

Discover the platform that gives you the freedom to create, design, manage and develop your web presence exactly the way you want.

Design and build your own high-quality websites. Whether you’re promoting your business, showcasing your work, opening your store or starting a blog—you can do it all with the Wix website builder.

Start from scratch or choose from over 500 designer-made templates to make your own website. With the world’s most innovative drag and drop website builder, you can customize or change anything. Make your site come to life with video backgrounds, scroll effects and animation. With the Wix Editor, you can create your own professional website that looks stunning.

How to use Razorpay with Wix

  1. Navigate to your Wix website and switch to editor mode.
  2. Click SettingsAccept Payments.

    accept payments
  3. Click Add Payment Methods.

    add payments methods
  4. Select Razorpay and click Add.

    add razorpay
  5. Once added, a success message appears as shown

    success message
  6. Razorpay appears added as a payment method. Click Set up Account to Activate.

    account activation
  7. In the dialog box that appears, select the appropriate action

    dialog box
    • If you have not signed up for a Razorpay account, click Create an Account and follow the steps mentioned on-screen. Once the account has been created, return to this screen and select Connect Existing Account.
    • If you already have an account, click Connect Existing Account  and enter your API Key and Secret.
      Do not select the Enable sandbox modeoption.
    Connect Existing Account
  8. Click Connect My Account. A success message appears on screen.

    Connect My Account
  9. Razorpay now appears under Payment Methods. Ensure Active on your Checkout is enabled.

    Active on Checkout
  10. This completes the integration on Wix Dashboard.

Setting up Webhook

You must integrate with Razorpay webhooks to receive notifications whenever a payment is made on your website. To setup webhooks:
  • Log into your Razorpay Dashboard and navigate to SettingsWebhooks.
  • Click Setup Webhook.
  • Enter the following details:
    • Enter the Website URL as https://express.razorpay.com/wix/v1/webhook-handler.
    • Enter a Secret for the webhook endpoint. The secret is used for validation purposes. Note:
      The secret that you enter here can be used to validate that the webhook is from Razorpay. Do not expose the secret publicly.
    • Select the following events from the list of Active Events:
    • order.paid
    • refund.processed
    • payment.failed
  • Click Save to enable webhooks.

If you are using this Razorpay account to accept payments on your Wix site, you can set up only one webhook on the Razorpay Dashboard.

  1. Watch the short animation for more details.
    This completes your integration.
