Custom Onboarding SDK

Integrate with Custom Onboarding SDK to create client accounts using APIs and prefill KYC details.

To integrate with Custom Onboarding SDK:

You require a bearer token to access onboarding APIs. Below is a sample code to generate a bearer token using Onboarding SDK.

The access_token is valid for 90 days. After your access token expires, you will receive a 4XX error response. Regenerate the access token using your credentials.

Use onboarding APIs to add KYC details of your clients. You can pre-fill all or a few KYC details using APIs and let the users fill in the remaining on the onboarding form.

Below are the APIs available to onboard clients.

Create and update a client account. Add basic details like name, phone number, email ID and KYC details like business name, type and business PAN details. Check the for the complete list of fields.
Configure products for an account. Update payment methods, settlement details and refund settings. Check the for the complete list of fields.
Add the KYC details of the authorised signatory or the owner of the business. Check the for the list of fields.
Upload KYC documents for accounts and stakeholders. Know more about .

Below is a sample code to create a client account. Know more about


Account API Entity


string The unique identifier of a sub-merchant account generated by Razorpay. The maximum length is 18 characters. For example, acc_GLGeLkU2JUeyDZ.


string The account type. Possible value is standard.


string The status of the account. Possible values:

  • created: Account status when the merchant account is created.
  • activated: Account status when the merchant KYC is approved.
  • needs_clarification: Account status when the merchant is asked to provide clarifications related to the KYC details submitted.
  • under_review: Account status when the merchant submits all the KYC requirements.
  • suspended: Account status when the merchant account is identified as potentially fraudulent and is suspended.
  • rejected: Account status when the KYC details submitted by the merchant are rejected during manual review.


string The sub-merchant's business email address.


integer The sub-merchant's business phone number. The minimum length is 8 characters and the maximum length is 15.


string The name of the sub-merchant's business. For example, Acme Corp. The minimum length is 4 characters and the maximum length is 200.


string The sub-merchant billing label as it appears on the Razorpay Dashboard. The minimum length is 1 character and the maximum length is 255. This parameter might be required to complete the KYC process. However, it is optional for this API.


string The type of business operated by the sub-merchant. Possible values:



string Partner's external account reference id. The minimum length is 1 character and the maximum length is 512.


object The business details of the sub-merchant's account.


string The business category of the sub-merchant. Possible values:


string The business sub-category of the sub-merchant. Possible values:



string This parameter has been deprecated. Pass the description using the business_model parameter.


string The business description. The minimum length is 1 character and the maximum length is 255.


object Details of sub-merchant's address.


object Details of the sub-merchant's operational address. This parameter might be required to complete the KYC process. However, it is optional for this API.


string Address, line 1. The maximum length is 100 characters.


string Address, line 2. The maximum length is 100 characters.


string The city. The maximum length is 100 characters.


string The state. The minimum length is 2 and the maximum length is 100.


integer The postal code. This should be exactly 6 characters.


string The country. The minimum length is 2 and the maximum length is 64. This can either be a country code in capital letters or the full name of the country in lower case letters. For example, for India, you must write either IN or india.



object Details of the sub-merchant's registered address.


string Address, line 1. The maximum length is 100 characters.


string Address, line 2. The maximum length is 100 characters.


string The city. The maximum length is 100 characters.


string The state. The minimum length is 2 and the maximum length is 100.


integer The postal code. This should be exactly 6 characters.


string The country. The minimum length is 2 and the maximum length is 64. This can either be a country code in capital letters or the full name of the country in lower case letters. For example, for India, you must write either IN or india.



object The legal details about the sub-merchant's business.


string Valid PAN number details of the sub-merchant's business.

  • This is a 10-digit alphanumeric code. For example, AVOJB1111K.
  • The 4th digit should be either of 'C', 'H', 'F', 'A', 'T', 'B', 'J', 'G', 'L'.
  • The regex for Company PAN is /^[a-zA-z]{5}\d{4}[a-zA-Z]{1}$/.
    This parameter might be required to complete the KYC process. However, it is optional for this API. Business types like proprietorship and individual (not_yet_registered), do not require Business PAN.


string Valid GSTIN number details of the sub-merchant.

  • This is a 15-digit PAN-based unique identification number.
  • The Regex for GSTIN is /^[0123][0-9][a-z]{5}[0-9]{4}[a-z][0-9][a-z0-9][a-z0-9]$/gi.


string CIN is for Private Limited and Public Limited, whereas LLPIN is for LLP business type.

  • This is a 21-digit alpha-numeric number.
  • The Regex for CIN is /^([a-z]{3}-\d{4}|[ul]\d{5}[a-z]{2}\d{4}[a-z]{3}\d{6})$/i.


object The branding details of the sub-merchant's business.


string The color code of sub-merchant's business brand. This is a 6-character hex code (Regex: [a-fA-F0-9]{6}).


object Contains user-defined fields stored by the partner for reference purposes.


string The name of the contact. The minimum length is 4 and the maximum length is 255 characters.


object Options available for contact support.


object The type of contact support.


string The email id of chargeback POC. The maximum length is:

  • local part (before @): 64 characters.
  • domain part (after @): 68 characters.
    The total character length supported is 132.


integer The phone number of chargeback POC. The maximum length is 10 characters.


string The URL of chargeback policy. Regex is (protocol://<domainname>:port/resource path?querystring#fragementid)
protocol-both http/https allowed. Only domain name is mandatory.


object The type of contact support.


string The email id of refund POC. The maximum length is:

  • local part (before @): 64 characters.
  • domain part (after @): 68 characters.
    The total character length supported is 132.


integer The phone number of refund POC. The maximum length is 10 characters.


string The URL of refund policy. Regex is (protocol://<domainname>:port/resource path?querystring#fragementid)
protocol-both http/https allowed.


array The type of contact support.


string The email id of support POC. The maximum length is:

  • local part (before @): 64 characters.
  • domain part (after @): 68 characters.
    The total character length supported is 132.


integer The phone number of support POC. The maximum length is 10 characters.


string The URL of support policy. Regex is (protocol://<domainname>:port/resource path?querystring#fragementid)
protocol-both http/https allowed.


object The app details of the sub-merchant's business


array The website/app for the sub-merchant's business. A minimum of 1 website is required.


array Android app details


string The link of the Android app. Regex is (protocol://<domainname>:port/resource path?querystring#fragementid)
protocol-both http/https allowed.


string The name of the Android app.


array iOS app details


string The link of the iOS app. Regex is (protocol://<domainname>:port/resource path?querystring#fragementid)
protocol-both http/https allowed.


string The name of the iOS app.


integer Unix timestamp that indicates when the merchant account was activated. This parameter has null value till the account is activated.


boolean Indicates the payments acceptance status of the merchant account. Possible values:

  • true: Merchant can start accepting customer payments.
  • false: Merchant cannot accept customer payments.


boolean Indicates the settlements status of the merchant account. Possible values:

  • true: Settlement are on hold. Funds are not transferred to the merchant account.
  • false: Settlements can be transferred to the merchant account.

You can request a product configuration to configure and activate Razorpay products for a client account according to their requirements. Know more about


Below is a sample code to request a product configuration.

Product Configuration API Entity


string The unique identifier of a product generated by Razorpay for a sub-merchant account. This id is used to fetch or update a product.


string The product(s) to be configured. Possible values:

  • payment_gateway
  • payment_links


object It consists of the configuration for the accepted terms and conditions by the merchant for the requested product. If the terms and conditions are accepted by the user for the requested product, it would consist of the following fields:


string The unique identifier representing the acceptance of terms and conditions for a product by a user.


boolean The flag that represents whether the terms and conditions are accepted by the user.


integer The Unix timestamp at which the terms and conditions were accepted by the user for the requested product.


string The status of the

  • requested
  • needs_clarification
  • under_review
  • activated
  • suspended


object The following are the possible configurations:


object The payment methods configured, such as, netbanking, UPI, Wallet and EMI.


object The UPI type payment method.


string The status of UPI payment method.


array The list of UPI instruments requested or enabled.


object The netbanking type payment method.


string The status of the netbanking payment method.


array The netbanking instrument object.


string The type of netbanking payment method. Possible values:

  • Retail
  • Corporate


array The list of netbanking banks requested or enabled. Refer the

page for netbanking bank codes.


object The Wallet type payment method.


string The status of the Wallet payment method.


array The list of Wallet instruments requested or enabled.


string The EMI type payment method.


string The status of EMI payment method.


array The EMI instrument object.


string The type of EMI payment method. Possible values:

  • card_emi
  • cardless_emi


array The list of EMI partners requested or enabled. Possible values:

  • For card_emi: debit and credit.
  • For cardless_emi: zestmoney and earlysalary.


object The payment method to be enabled.


boolean Enables or disables the payment method. Possible values:

  • true: Enables the paylater payment method.
  • false: Does not enable the paylater payment method.


string The Paylater service provider. Possible values are:

  • epaylater
  • getsimpl


object The payment capture settings object.


string The mode through which payment capture is done. Possible values:

  • automatic: Payments are auto-captured (default)
  • manual: You have to manually capture payments using our Capture API or from the Partner's Dashboard.


numeric This denotes the time in minutes when the payment is in the authorized state. This is auto-captured.


numeric This denotes the time in minutes until you can manually capture payments in the authorized state.

  • Must be equal to or greater than the automatic_expire_period value.
  • The default and the maximum value is 7200 minutes.
  • The payments in the authorized state after the manual_expire_period are auto-refunded.


object The Settlement settings object.


string The bank account number to which settlements are made. Account details can be found on the Partner's Razorpay Dashboard. For example, 7878780080316316.


string The IFSC associated with the bank account. For example, RATN0VAAPIS.


string The name of the beneficiary associated with the bank account.

Handy Tip

This API parameter is needed complete the KYC process. However, it is optional for this API.


object This denotes the payment refund settings.


string Speed at which the refund is to be processed. Possible values are:

  • normal: Indicates that the refund will be processed at the normal speed. By default, the refund will take 5-7 working days.
  • optimum: Indicates that the refund will be processed at an optimal speed based on Razorpay's internal fund transfer logic. That is:
    • If the refund can be processed instantly, Razorpay will initiate the process irrespective of the payment method used to make the payment.
    • If an instant refund is not made, Razorpay will initiate a refund that is processed at the normal speed. For example, payments made using debit cards, netbanking or unsupported credit cards.


object The checkout form of the payment capture.


string The theme color for sub-merchant's checkout page


string The logo of the sub-merchant's business on the checkout page.


boolean The flagging options Enable or Disable for Razorpay's Flash Checkout to securely save the card details of your customers.


object This denotes the notifications settings.


string The email addresses that will receive notifications regarding payments, settlements, daily payment reports, webhooks, and so on.


boolean The WhatsApp notifications you receive regarding payments, settlements, daily payment reports, webhooks, etc.


boolean The SMS notifications you receive regarding payments, settlements, daily payment reports, webhooks, etc. This attribute will be set to false.


object The configuration of the product requested by the user that is yet to be set as active.


object The configuration of the product that has been set as active.


object The list of requirements to be enabled for this product or some of the configurations under this product. It is classified into two types:

  • Required document: field_reference: "proof_type.document_type". For example: business_proof_of_identification.business_pan_url. The sub-merchant needs to upload the business_pan_url document to get the requirement fulfilled.
  • Selected required document: field_reference : "proof_type". For example: individual_proof_of_address. The sub-merchant can upload ONE of the following groups, that is, submit [aadhar_front ,aadhar_back] or [voter_id_front, voter_id_back] or [passport_front, passport_back]. Once all the documents of any ONE of the groups are uploaded, the requirement gets fulfilled.


string The field which is in issue or missing. The JSON key path in resolution URL.


string The URL to address the requirement. The API endpoint to be used for updating missing fields or documents.


string The status of the requirement.


string The reason code for showing in the requirement. Description will be sent only when reason code is "". Possible values are:

  • field_missing
  • needs_clarification
  • document_missing


string This parameter is displayed when the reason_code is needs_clarification.


integer The Unix timestamp at which the product configuration is requested.

Below is a sample code to create a stakeholder. Know more about


Stakeholder API Entity


string The unique identifier of a stakeholder generated by Razorpay, used to fetch or update a stakeholder. For example, sth_GLGgm8fFCKc92m. Maximum length supported is 18 characters.


string Here it is stakeholder.


float The stakeholder's ownership of the business in percentage. Only two decimal places are allowed. For example, 87.55. The maximum length is 100 characters.


string The stakeholder's name as per the PAN card. The maximum length is 255 characters.


string The stakeholder's email address. The maximum length is:

  • local part (before @): 64 characters.
  • domain part (after @): 68 characters.
    The total character length supported is 132.


object The stakeholder's relationship with the account’s business. The default value is false.

  • director: This attribute is set to true if the stakeholder is a director of the account's legal entity. By default, it is set to false.
  • executive: This attribute is set to true if the stakeholder is an executive of the account's legal entity. By default, it is set to false.


object The stakeholder's phone number.


integer The primary contact number of the stakeholder. The minimum length is 8 characters and the maximum length is 11.


integer The secondary contact number of the stakeholder. The minimum length is 8 characters and the maximum length is 11.


object Details of stakeholder's address.


string Details of the stakeholder's residential address.


string The stakeholder's street address. The minimum length is 10 characters and maximum length is 255.


string The city. The minimum length is 2 and maximum length is 32.


string The state. The minimum length is 2 and maximum length is 32.


string The postal code. The minimum length is 2 and maximum length is 10.


string The country. The minimum length is 2 and maximum length is 64. This can either be a country code in capital letters or the full name of the country in lower case letters. For example, for India, you must write either IN or india.



object The type of document required to establish the stakeholder's identity.


string The PAN number of the stakeholder.

  • This is a 10-digit alphanumeric code. For example, AVOPB1111K.
  • Regex to validate Stakeholder PAN: /^[a-zA-z]{5}\d{4}[a-zA-Z]{1}$/
  • Validation for Stakeholder PAN: The 4th digit should be 'P'.
  • If the business type is HUF, the karta's PAN should be provided.

Handy Tip

To complete the KYC process, this API parameter might be required, but it is optional for this API.


object Contains user-defined fields stored by the partner for reference purposes. It can hold a maximum of 15 key-value pairs, 512 characters (maximum) each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”.

You need to upload account and stakeholder documents for KYC verification. Know more about


Below is a sample code to upload account documents.

You need to share the Razorpay-hosted co-branded onboarding URL with your clients. Clients use this URL to continue the onboarding process.

  1. The user will be redirected to the co-branded onboarding form when they click the embedded onboarding button on your platform. The user has to enter any pending KYC details and verify the pre-filled information.
  2. After the necessary details are submitted, the user is prompted to authorise your platform to access data and create payments and refunds.
    Sample Authorisation Interface
  3. The client gives authorisation, which allows Razorpay to connect their client account to your Partner account.
  4. On successful authorisation, Razorpay redirects the user back to a URL configured by you in your application settings. While redirecting, Razorpay shares an authentication code. You need to use this Auth code in the token API request to generate an Auth token.

Below is the sample code to generate the onboarding URL.

Query Parameters

Define the following query parameters in the URL.



string The unique client identifier.



string Specifies that the application is requesting an authorisation code grant. Possible value is code.



string Callback URL used by Razorpay to redirect after the user approves or denies the authorisation request. The client should whitelist the redirect_uri.



string Defines what access your application is requesting from the user. You can request multiple scopes by separating with a space. Possible values:

  • read_only: Provides read access to all resources. All GET API requests.
  • read_write: Provides read and write access to all resources on the API.



string A random string generated by your service. This parameter helps prevent cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks. State validation has to be implemented by your application and should work as described below:

  1. Your application should generate a unique random string and save it in the database.
  2. Send the random string to Razorpay in the authorisation request in the state parameter.
  3. Razorpay sends back the same state value as query params on your redirect URI.
  4. In your backend, you validate that the state value stored in your database matches the one you received for the client_id and the user that initiated the authorisation.


conditionally mandatory

string This parameter is applicable only for accounts created using KYC pre-fill. Know more about


Success Response Parameters

We send the following query parameters if the user approves the authorisation request:


URL-encoded authorisation code. You can exchange this code for an access token in the next step.


The value of the state parameter sent in the authorisation request.

Error Response Parameters

phone number unverified
  • You are using an expired onboarding_signature.
  • onboarding_signature is not provided or is invalid.
Use a valid onboarding_signature . An onboarding signature is valid for 24 hours. You can regenerate it using the same code.

Refer to our

page for the complete list of errors and solutions.

onboarding_signature is a mandatory parameter if you are pre-filling KYC details. The onboarding signature is used to verify the identity of the partner initiating the onboarding URL.

Use the below sample code to generate an onboarding_signature.

After completion, the browser is redirected to URI specified in the redirect_uri parameter.

You require an access token to create payments and refunds on behalf of your clients using APIs. Exchange the authorisation code received in the previous step for an access token.

Handy Tips

The authorisation code is URL-encoded. Decode it before sending in this request.

Given below is a sample request to be made from the application's backend server.

Request Parameters



string Unique client identifier.



string Client secret string.



string Defines the grant type for the request. Possible value is authorization_code.



string Specifies the same redirect_uri used in the authorisation request.



string Decoded authorisation code received in the last step.



string The type of mode. Possible values:

  • test
  • live (default)

Handy Tips

Clients on production can only make requests for live mode.

Response Parameters

The server responds with the following parameters:


string Defines the type of access token. Possible value is Bearer.


integer Integer representing the TTL of the access token in seconds.


string A private key used to access sub-merchant resources on Razorpay. Used for server-to-server calls only.


string A public key is used only for public routes such as Checkout or Payments.


string Used to refresh the access token when it expires.


string Identifies the sub-merchant ID who granted the authorisation.

Error Response Parameters

Refer to our

page for the list of errors and solutions.

Store the access_token received above on your server. Using this token, you can access the sub-merchant's data, create payments and refunds using Razorpay APIs.

The access_token is valid for 90 days. After your access token expires, you will receive a 4XX error response. Use a refresh token to generate a new access token. You can make a request using your refresh token to generate a new (access_token and refresh_token) pair.

Below is a sample API request to request a new token.

After you obtain an access token, you can use it to access the sub-merchant's data on Razorpay APIs. The access is controlled based on the scope requested for and granted by the user during the authorisation process.

Provide the access token in the Bearer authorisation header while requesting


Given below is a sample code for the


After you obtain an access token, you can use it to access the sub-merchant's data on Razorpay APIs. The access is controlled based on the scope requested for and granted by the user during the authorisation process.

Subscribe to webhook events to receive real time notifications on the onboarding status of your clients. Check the available


With this, your integration is complete. Test the integration before going live.

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onboarding sdk