Product Activation Status

View the product activation status for your sub-merchant (Razorpay Partnership).

Product Activation Status is the current status of the product for the account that the account that partners create for their customers. It notifies the partner about what stage of processing the product requested for the account is in.

Given below is the complete end-to-end flow explaining the transition among statuses:


Once the partner creates an account and fills in the necessary business, stakeholder and bank details, the partner has to request specific products for the merchant using the


As a part of the response to this request, as well as any request containing the

, the activation status parameter informs the partner about the product's activation status.

The table below lists the various Product Activation states with a brief description of each state:

RequestedThis state represents that the requested details have been submitted, awaiting the next step of processing.
Needs ClarificationThe product configuration API will tell the merchant about fields where we need clarification.
Under ReviewRazorpay's support team is verifying the details submitted.
ActivatedIndicates that the product is fully activated.
SuspendedIndicates that the product has been suspended.

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