Subscription Status

Check the different Subscription statuses mapped between OpenCart and Razorpay Subscriptions.

The subscription status names used by Razorpay and OpenCart are different. The table below shows the mapping between the subscription statuses names used by Razorpay and OpenCart. Know more about the


OpenCart Subscription StatusRazorpay Subscription StatusDescription
PendingCreatedThis is the initial status of the subscription before the authentication/first payment transaction is complete.
ActiveAuthenticated, ActiveThis is the status of the subscription once the payment transaction is successfully completed.
On-holdPendingThe subscription acquires this status when it is suspended or halted. This is done when a charge on the customer's card is unsuccessful.
CancelledCancelledThe cancel option is used to cancel the subscription altogether. Once a subscription is cancelled, it cannot be restarted.
ExpiredCompleteThe subscription acquires this status when the expiry period mentioned during the subscription creation comes to an end.

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