A Corporate Identification Number (CIN) is a unique identifier issued to companies registered with India's Registrar of Companies (ROC). This number is provided at the time of registration and plays a vital role in company compliance. It must be included in all official filings, audits, and reports submitted to the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
To ensure smooth business operations, you must include your CIN in all required documents. It’s mandatory and demonstrates your company’s legal standing.
Table of Contents
1. What Is a Corporate Identification Number (CIN)?2. Importance of Corporate Identification Number3. Breaking Down Corporate Identification Number4. Abbreviations in CIN Number5. Usage of Corporate Incorporation Number5. Penalty for Non-Compliance of Mentioning CIN Number5. Changing Corporate Identification Number6. Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat Is a Corporate Identification Number (CIN)?
A Corporate Identification Number or CIN number is a 21-character alpha-numeric code assigned to companies registered under the Registrar of Companies in India. It acts as a unique identifier, reflecting details like the type of company, its state of registration, and year of incorporation.
A CIN is provided to all companies registered in India, including:
Private Limited Companies (PLCs)
One Person Companies (OPCs)
Companies owned by the Government of India
State Government Companies
Not-for-Profit Section 8 Companies
Nidhi Companies, etc.
In contrast, Limited Liability Partnerships (LLPs) are assigned an LLPIN (Limited Liability Partnership Identification Number). The CIN plays a vital role in company identification and compliance with legal obligations.
Importance of Corporate Identification Number
The CIN is critical for identifying and tracking a company’s activities from its incorporation. Assigned by the Registrar of Companies, it ensures every registered company has a distinct identity under the Ministry of Corporate Affairs. This 21-character alpha-numeric code provides key details, such as the company’s registration type, state, and year of incorporation.
For example, a typical CIN might look like U12345MH2024PLC567890, where each segment represents specific company details.
The CIN must be included in all filings, audits, and reports submitted to the ROC or MCA. It is essential for verifying company information during legal and financial transactions, offering transparency and credibility. The CIN acts as the foundation for company identification, ensuring compliance with Indian business regulations.
Breaking Down Corporate Identification Number
A CIN is a 21-character alphanumeric code that reveals key details about a company. It is structured into six sections, each offering specific information that aids in company identification and regulatory tracking by the ROC and the MCA. Here’s a breakdown:
Listing Status
The first character indicates whether a company is “Listed” or “Unlisted” on the stock market.
L: Listed on the Indian stock exchange.
U: Unlisted.
Industry Classification
The following five numeric digits represent the company’s primary economic activity or industry. The MCA assigns each category of economic activity a specific code. For example, 12345 could signify a particular industry, such as technology or healthcare.
Registration State
The following two letters identify the state where the company is registered. Examples include:
TN: Tamil Nadu
GJ: Gujarat
UP: Uttar Pradesh
This section functions similarly to state codes in vehicle registration numbers.
Year of Incorporation
The next four numeric digits represent the company’s year of incorporation. For example, "2015" signifies that the company was established in 2015.
Company Classification
The following three characters indicate the company type. Examples include:
PLC: Public Limited Company
NPL: Not-for-Profit Organisation
SGC: State Government Company
Unique Registration Number
The last six digits are the company’s unique registration number, assigned by the ROC to distinguish it from other entities.
CIN number example: U12345TN2015PLC789101
This example shows an unlisted company (U) operating in a specific industry (12345), registered in Tamil Nadu (TN), incorporated in 2015 (2015), classified as a public limited company (PLC), with a unique registration number of 789101.
Abbreviations in CIN Number
The abbreviations used in Section 5 of the CIN include:
FLC: Financial Lease Company as Public Limited.
FTC: Private Limited Company Subsidiary of a Foreign Company.
GAP: General Association Public.
GAT: General Association Private.
GOI: Government of India-owned companies.
NPL: Not-for-Profit License Company.
PLC: Public Limited Company.
PTC: Private Limited Company.
SGC: State Government-owned Companies.
ULL: Unlimited Liability Limited Company.
ULT: Unlimited Liability Trust.
Usage of Corporate Incorporation Number
The CIN is essential for ensuring compliance and maintaining legitimacy. It must be used in the following:
Invoices: To identify the company in financial transactions.
Notices: For official communication with stakeholders.
Letterheads: To reflect the company’s legal identity in correspondence.
Annual Reports: As a mandatory disclosure for regulatory purposes.
MCA e-forms: To ensure accurate filing with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs.
Publications: For transparency in public-facing materials.
Using the CIN correctly ensures smooth corporate communication and compliance with Indian legal requirements.
Penalty for Non-Compliance of Mentioning CIN Number
Failing to comply with the requirement of mentioning the CIN on official documents can lead to significant penalties. If the requirements are not met, the defaulting company and its officers in default face a penalty of ₹1,000 per day, continuing until the non-compliance is rectified. The maximum penalty for such defaults is capped at ₹1,00,000. These penalties ensure strict adherence to regulatory norms and maintain transparency in corporate operations.
Changing Corporate Identification Number
You cannot directly change the Corporate Identification Number (CIN), but it automatically updates when specific changes occur in your company’s status or structure. These changes include:
Listing Status: The CIN updates automatically if your company transitions from private to public or is delisted. For example, a Private Limited Company converting into a Public Limited Company will update its CIN to reflect the new listing status.
Registered Office Location: Moving your company’s registered office to another state will result in an updated CIN to match the new state code. For example, if your company relocates its registered office from Maharashtra to Karnataka, the CIN will change from 'MH' to 'KA'.
Industry or Sector: A change in your company’s primary business activity will update the industry classification in the CIN. For example, a company shifting from software services to financial services will modify its CIN to reflect the new industry.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to apply for CIN?
A CIN is automatically assigned to a company during its registration with the Registrar of Companies (ROC). You do not need to apply for it separately. Ensure you complete all registration requirements with the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA).
How do I find my company's CIN number?
You can find your company’s Corporate Identification Number (CIN) on the MCA website by following these steps:
Visit the MCA website.
Click on the 'MCA Services' tab on the homepage.
From the 'Company Services' dropdown, select 'Find CIN'.
Choose the 'Search Based on Existing Company/LLP Name' option.
Enter the company name in the 'Existing Company' field, complete the captcha, and click 'Search'.
Is CIN allotted to LLP?
No, CIN is specific to companies registered under the Companies Act. Limited Liability Partnerships are assigned a unique identification called an LLPIN instead of a CIN.
What is an example of a corporate identity number?
An example of a CIN is U12345MH2020PTC098765, where:
U indicates an unlisted company.
12345 represents the industry.
MH denotes Maharashtra as the state of registration.
2020 is the year of incorporation.
PTC indicates a private limited company.
098765 is the unique registration number.
How to get a CIN certificate?
Once a company is successfully registered, the ROC provides a CIN certificate. The certificate includes the CIN and other registration details as official proof of the company’s incorporation.
Are CIN and GST the same?
No, CIN and GST are entirely different. CIN is a company identification number issued during registration, while GSTIN (Goods and Services Tax Identification Number) is related to business tax compliance under the GST Act.
Is mentioning CIN on the company’s invoices, bills, and receipts mandatory?
Yes, the Corporate Identification Number (CIN) must be mentioned on invoices, bills, receipts, letterheads, notices, and other official documents. Non-compliance can result in penalties.