Add Images, Videos and More

Add images, videos, hyperlinks, create lists, and change font style and colour for your Razorpay Payment Pages.

You can add a page description to describe the payment purpose to help your customers know more about the page. You can add the following to your Payment Pages:

Handy Tips

If you are using a template, the sample description only contains heading levels and content.

You can define up to 2 heading levels. Select Heading for your major level 1 headings and Subheading for level 2 heading and Normal Text for content.

Handy Tips

Defining heading levels in your description makes the information look more structured and neat.

Add Heading to a Payment Page.

There are 10 font colors from which you can choose to choose. There are three font styles that you can apply to the text:

  • Boldface
  • Italics
  • Underline

You can create lists to display the information in a sequence. You can create

  • Bulleted lists
  • Numbered lists
Add Lists to a Payment Page

Click the image icon to upload an image from your local system. We support images with dimensions 40x40. Formats supported are JPG, JPEG, PNG and GIF.

Click the video icon and Enter Video URL. This will embed the hosted video into your page.

Add Videos to a Payment Page

URLs entered as plain-text in the Description field are automatically converted to hyperlinks. You can use the Link icon to add YouTube or Vimeo video links to text. You cannot add links to images.

The +Add social media share icons option adds CTA (call-to-action) buttons for Facebook, Twitter and WhatsApp.

Click Add your contact information to add contact details. You can add:

  1. Phone number
  2. Email address

Click Add Terms & Conditions to add the terms and conditions for a transaction.

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add images to payment pages
add videos
add hyperlinks
add headings