Search for Payment Pages

Search for a Payment Page or a Storefront Page on the Razorpay Dashboard.

You can search for a Payment Page on the Razorpay Dashboard by specifying various filters.

To search for a Payment Page:

  1. Log in to the .
  2. Select Payment Pages from the left menu and select either Payment Pages or Storefront Pages depending on the page you wish to find.
  3. Search for the page by specifying filters.
Payment Pages List
TitleThe title of the payment page.
StatusThe state of the payment page. Know more about .

You can search for a Payment Page on the Razorpay Dashboard by specifying various filters.

To search for a Product:

  1. Log in to the .
  2. Select Payment Pages from the left menu and click Products.
  3. Search for the product by specifying filters.
Storefront Pages Product list on Dashboard.
Product nameThe name of the product.
StatusThe state of the product. Possible values are:
  • Available
  • Out of Stock

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