Batch Upload for Linked Accounts and Transfers
Create Linked Accounts and transfers using the batch upload feature.
Generate and process Linked Accounts and Transfers in bulk by uploading a batch file in the Dashboard. This simplifies the process of creating these individually.
To create in bulk, you need to download the sample file from the Dashboard, update the file with the required information and upload the file back to the Dashboard.
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The sample file should be in .csv
or .xlsx
You can perform the following actions using batch upload:
The following table lists the upload statuses and their description.
You can create multiple linked accounts in bulk by uploading a batch file on the Dashboard.
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For Mutual Funds Distributors (MFDs), Linked Accounts with their Asset Management Company (AMC) details are automatically created after they get access to the Route. MFDs do not need to create any Linked Accounts from the Dashboard. Please get in touch with our
for any help on creating Linked Accounts.Watch this video to see how to create linked accounts in bulk using a batch file.
To create linked accounts using batch upload:
- Log in to the Dashboard and click Route under PAYMENT PRODUCTS.
- Click Batch Upload.
- Hover on Upload New Batch and click Linked Accounts. The Batch Upload pop-up page appears.
- Click download sample file to download the sample file.
- Update and save the file with the following details. Refer to the section for more information.
- Upload the updated file to the Dashboard in the Batch Upload pop-up page.
- Verify the details and enter the file name in the BATCH FILE NAME text box.
- You can choose to process the file immediately or schedule it for later.
- Click Create.
You can view the status and other details of the upload under the Batch Upload section on the Dashboard.
The following table lists the fields required to create linked accounts and their description.
Once a batch file is processed, you can view and download the processed file from the Dashboard. Click the Batch Id to view the details and click Download to download the file. Information such as the uploaded rows, successfully processed and failed rows are displayed in the file.

The downloaded file has the following additional fields that provide information about the created linked accounts or the reason for failure.
You can create transfers to linked accounts in bulk by uploading a batch file with the required details.
Watch this video to see how to create transfers to linked accounts in bulk using a batch file.
To create Transfers in bulk:
Log in to the Dashboard and click Route under PAYMENT PRODUCTS.
Click Batch Upload.
Hover on Upload New Batch and click Transfers. The Batch Upload pop-up page appears.
Click download sample file to download the sample file.
Update and save the file with the following details. Refer to the Transfers Batch Fields section for more information.
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You should enter the amount in paise. For example, if you want to transfer ₹500, then you should enter 50000.
Upload the updated file to the Dashboard in the Batch Upload pop-up page.
Verify the details and enter the file name in the BATCH FILE NAME text box.
You can choose to process the file immediately or schedule it for later.
Click Create.
You have successfully created transfers in bulk.
The following table lists the fields required to create transfers and their description.
Once a batch file is processed, you can view and download the processed file from the Dashboard. Click the Batch Id to view the details and click Download to download the file. Information such as the uploaded rows, successfully processed and failed rows are displayed in the file.

The downloaded file has the following additional fields that provide information about the created transfers or the reason for failure.
The Batch Upload section in the Dashboard displays the following fields:
You can also search for the required batch file using the following search options:
- Batch Upload Id: This option allows you to search using the upload ID.
- Batch Type: This option lets you search using batch type. Select the required type from the Batch Type list.
- Count: This option allows you to search using the number of rows uploaded.
You can choose to process the batch upload immediately or schedule it for later.
To schedule a batch:
Log in to the Dashboard and click Route under PAYMENT PRODUCTS.
Click Batch Upload.
Hover on Upload New Batch and click the required batch type. The Batch Upload pop-up page appears.
Click download sample file to download the sample file.
Update the file with the required details.
Upload the updated file to the Dashboard in the Batch Upload pop-up page.
Select Schedule for Later and select the date and time you want to start the batch upload.
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Ensure the scheduled time is at least 1 hour from the current time.
Click Create.
The batch upload starts at the scheduled time.
If any error happens in the data rows during the upload step, it will be displayed on the screen. You can also download the report from the Dashboard that contains errors and their reasons. This helps you to fix the errors and upload the file.
Some of the common errors during upload are:
- Same file uploaded multiple times
- Uploaded file type not supported
You can fix the errors by making the required changes in the file and re-upload it in the Dashboard.
A processed batch file does not necessarily mean that all linked accounts and transfers were created successfully. Few rows may not get created because of certain issues in the entered data.
Download the Batch Report that contains the following additional fields to help you check if a link was issued for a row or not.
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