About Saved VPA in Server-to-Server Integration

Store VPA details entered by your customers as tokens that can be used later for repeated transactions on your website.

In an online transaction using UPI collect flow, customers perform these steps:

  1. Enter their virtual payment address (VPA) at the Checkout.
  2. Open the respective UPI apps.
  3. Complete the payment after successful two-factor authentication.

In this flow, customers likely enter invalid VPAs or forget their VPAs, which could lead to higher drop-off rates. To overcome this problem, Razorpay enables you to save the VPAs of a customer. The VPAs entered by the customer are stored and secured as tokens in Razorpay. This saves the customer the hassle of entering the VPA again for every transaction. Thereafter, on subsequent visits, the customers select the saved VPA of their choice and complete the payment.

Feature Request

This is an on-demand feature. Please raise a request with our

to get this feature activated on your Razorpay account.

The user flow for accepting payments using tokens is as follows:

  1. The customer enters the VPA to make UPI payments on your UI.
  2. The entered VPAs are saved as tokens by Razorpay.
  3. On a repeat visit to your site, all the tokens saved for a customer are displayed on the UI.
  4. From the displayed list of VPAs, customers select the VPA of their choice to complete the payment.

Know how to

to save VPAs.

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