Integrate Turbo UPI UI

Steps to integrate Razorpay Turbo UPI with your app.

Use Razorpay Turbo UPI to make UPI payments faster. Follow these steps to integrate with the Razorpay Turbo UPI UI SDK.


  1. Contact our

    to get your mobile number, app, and GitHub account whitelisted to get access to the - sample app repository. In this repository, you will find the framework files (libraries for Turbo) and the sample app source code to help you with the integration. Use branch custom_ui/turbo_ui to access sample app and frameworks for Turbo UPI with UI.

  2. Integrate with the


  3. Add the following lines to your Podfile for Turbo pod installation:

    pod 'razorpay-customui-pod'
    pod 'razorpay-turbo-ui-pod'
  4. Import the Turbo plugin as given below:

    import Razorpay
    import TurboUpiPlugin

Watch Out!

  • The minimum supported iOS version for using Turbo UPI is currently 11.0.
  • Use the rzp_test_0wFRWIZnH65uny API key id for testing on the UAT environment and the for prod testing.

Follow these steps:

  1. Initialise the SDK and set up the Checkout instance (Razorpay) to handle payment outcomes like success and errors by listening to delegate methods.

    var razorpay = RazorpayCheckout.initWithKey(
    andDelegate: self,
    withPaymentWebView: wkWebView,
    UIPlugin: RazorpayTurboUPI.UIPluginInstance
  2. You need to link the customer's UPI account with your app. Use the below code samples to fetch the UPI account.

    Watch Out!

    If the device binding is not completed and getLinkedUpiAccounts is triggered, it will return an OnError with a DEVICE_BINDING_INCOMPLETE error message.

    • Get the customer's linked UpiAccount list using the below code. This function can be called from anywhere in the application, providing multiple entry points for customers to link their UPI account with your app.
    razorpay?.upiTurboUI?.getLinkedUpiAccounts("<mobile_num>", resultDelegate: self)

    Request Parameters


    string The customer's mobile number.


    object The Delegate to be sent is of type UpiTurboResultDelegate.

    • If your customer has already linked the UPI account, use the following code to fetch it. If there are no linked UPI accounts, an empty list is returned.

      extension ViewController: UPITurboResultDelegate {
      func onSuccessFetchingLinkedAcc(_ accList: [UpiAccount]) {
      if accList.count > 0 {
      print("Success Fetching Accounts")
      } else {
      // call linkNewUpiAccount()
      func onErrorFetchingLinkedAcc(_ error: TurboUpiPlugin.TurboError?) {
      print("Error: \(error?.errorDescription)")
      print("Error code: \(error?.errorCode)")
  3. If the customer has not linked any UPI account, there are two methods to link UPI accounts:

    • Link one UPI account at a time:
      Use the following code to link the newly created UPI account with your app. This function can be called from anywhere in the application, providing multiple entry points for customers to link their UPI account with your app.
    mobileNumber: "<mobile_num>",
    color: "<accent-color>",
    completionHandler: { upiAccounts, error in
    • Prefetch and Link multiple accounts together:
      Use the following code to prefetch and link multiple UPI accounts from popular banks. The list of prefetch banks can be configured from the Merchant admin dashboard. This function is versatile and can be called from anywhere in the application, offering customers multiple entry points to link their UPI accounts with your app.
    .setCustomerMobile(mobile: "<mobile_num>")
    .setColor(color: "<accent-color>")
    .prefetchAndLinkUpiAccountsWithUI(completionHandler: { accounts, error in
    if let allAccounts = accounts as? UpiAllAccounts {
    if let bankAccount = allAccounts.accountsWithPinSet?[0] as? UpiBankAccount {
    switch bankAccount.state {
    case .linkingInProgress:
    // Show account is linking
    case .linkingFailed:
    // Show account linking failed
    // Not possible in prefetch flow
    } else if let upiAccount = allAccounts.accountsWithPinSet?[0] as? UpiAccount {
    // Continue payment
    // Display accountsWithPinNotSet in expandable section - with Set Pin button

    Request Parameters



    string Customer's mobile number needed to initialise the SDKs.


    string Colour in HEX format.

    • Use the following function to set the UPI PIN for accounts where the PIN has not been set.
    .setUPIPinWithUI(account, completionHandler: { upiAccount, error in

    Request Parameter



    UpiBankAccount This is the bank account the user wants to set UPI PIN.

  4. To accept payments, call Custom Checkout’s submit method with the following payload:

    let payload: [String: AnyHashable] = [
    "currency": "INR",
    "amount": "700",
    "email": "",
    "contact": "9999999999",
    "method": "upi",
    "upi": [
    "flow": "in_app"
    "order_id": "order_L2MUBUOeFItcpU", //optional
    var turboPayload: [String: Any] = [:]
    turboPayload["upiAccount"] = upiAccount
    turboPayload["payload"] = payload

    Request Parameters



    string Unique identifier of the customer to whom the Customer Identifier must be tagged. Create a customer using the



    integer The transaction amount expressed in the currency subunit. For example, for an actual amount of ₹299.35, the value of this field should be 29935.



    string The currency in which the transaction should be made.



    string Email address of the customer.



    string Customer's phone number.



    string Order id generated via the




    string The payment method used by the customer on Checkout. In this case, it is upi (default).



    Details of the UPI payment.


    string Type of the UPI method. In this case, it is in_app.

You can directly interact with the exposed methods of the Turbo Framework to perform the non-transactional flows listed below.

Manage UPI Accounts

Let Razorpay SDK manage the linked UpiAccounts on the applications by triggering manageUpiAccounts().

mobileNumber: "<mobile_num>",
color: "<accent-color>"

To get the device binding status, please use the variable razorpay.upiTurbo.deviceBindingDone of type boolean. It indicates whether the device binding, which is a prerequisite for adding UPI accounts, is done with the user's mobile number.

if self.razorpay?.upiTurboUI?.deviceBindingDone {
// Device Binded
} else {
// Call Link New Account for Device Binding

The SDKs given below provide access to exposed models for seamless integration.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
accountNumberStringReturns masked bank account number.
typeStringThe account type. Possible values are bank_account or credit_card .
ifscStringReturns IFSC for Bank.
bankNameStringReturns the name of the bank.
bankLogoUrlStringReturns the URL to the logo of the PNG image.
bankPlaceholderUrlStringImage URL for bank logo placeholder.
pinLengthIntegerLength on UPI PIN.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
accountNumberStringAccount number.
beneficiaryNameStringName of account holder.
bankUpiBankThe bank Object.
typeStringThe account type. Possible values are savings , current and credit .
stateUpiBankAccountStateThe current state of account.


Enum InstancesDescription
upiPinNotSetThis is the state of the bank account when the UPI pin is not set.
upiPinSetThis is the state of the bank account when the UPI pin is set.
linkingInProgressThis is the state of the bank account when account linking is in progress.
linkingSuccessThis is the state of the bank account when the account is linked successfully.
linkingFailedThis is the state of the bank account when the account linking is failed.


ifscStringIFSC of the bank.
logoStringBank logo URL.
nameStringName of the bank.
bankPlaceholderUrlStringImage URL for bank logo placeholder.


errorCodeTypes of error codes
  • BAD_REQUEST_ERROR: Failure from the client's end (SDK).
  • GATEWAY_ERROR: Failure either from the Secure Component or the Bank.
  • SERVER_ERROR: Failure at PSP.
errorDescriptionBrief description of the error.
errorReasonSpecifies the specific reason for the error.
errorSourceIndicates the origin of the error. Possible values:
  • gateway
  • issuer_bank
  • beneficiary_bank
  • customer_psp
  • customer
  • internal
errorStepHighlights the stage where the error occurred.

[This is the latest version of the list and was last updated on February 27th, 2024]

We recommend the following:

  • Complete the integration on UAT before using the prod builds.
  • Perform the UAT using the Razorpay-provided API keys.

Complete these steps to take your integration live:

  • You should get your app id whitelisted by Razorpay to test on prod.

    Handy Tips

    Contact our

    to get your mobile number and app whitelisted.

  • Import the prod library from the Github repository → custom_ui/turbo_ui branch.

  • Switch to Prod environment and podfile.

  • Replace the UAT credential with the

    for prod testing.

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