Troubleshooting & FAQs

Troubleshoot common error scenarios and find answers to frequently asked questions about Standard Android integration.

1. I am trying to integrate Razorpay SDK for android 12. However, the following error message is displayed, Receiver not registered " error from checkoutActivity. While trying UPI" implementation 'com.razorpay:checkout:1.6.13. How to resolve this?

Add the code given below in your Android Manifest.xml file:

<action android:name="rzp.device_token.share" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
android:scheme="io.rzp" />

Handy Tips

You do not need to add this code to your integration if using SDK version 1.6.17 and above.

2. Android app is crashing every time I invoke API. How to resolve this?

The Android App crashes because the theme color parameter is passed in curly braces.

Use the code given below to resolve the problem:

JSONObject options = new JSONObject();
options.put("name", "Merchant Name");
options.put("description", "Reference No. #123456");
options.put("image", "");
options.put("order_id", "order_DBJOWzybf0sJbb");//from response of step 3.
options.put("theme.color", "#3399CC");

3. During checkout, the Paying To name reflects my company name. Is it possible to change the Paying To name from my company name to my product name?

No. Paying to gives your business name and not the product name. It is a standard flow. So you cannot change it.

4. Does Razorpay support Xamarin for SDK integration?

No, we do not support Xamarin. However, since Xamarin is essentially a wrapper around Android and iOS, you can create your own Xamarin wrapper using our

and SDKs.

You can refer to Xamarin for integrating native

and libraries. Alternatively, you can use web integration to open the checkout form in a web view.

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