Approvals Dashboard

Check the actions available as an approver on the RazorpayX Payroll Dashboard.

When you log in to the

as an approver, you can access your pending requests in three ways:

  1. On the Payroll Dashboard Home Page under:
    • Quick Reminders.
    • ADMIN OPTIONSApprovals in the left menu.
  2. Respective action pages. That is, if you have approvals pending for Edit Payroll action, requests needing approvals are indicated on the Edit Payroll page.

All your pending requests are available on the Approvals page. On this Dashboard, you can:

  • Sort requests basis the dates you received them.
  • Bulk select and approve/reject requests using the check box.
  • Open the summary view to check the request and approval history.
  • Provide remarks when approving/rejecting a request.
  • Withdraw a request you have initiated.
  • Check the following:
    • Pending Approvals: Approvals that require your review.
    • Initiated by Me: Approval requests initiated by you if you are the maker of that request.
    • Completed: Approval requests you have already taken action on.
Approval actions like bulk select and filters on the Payroll Dashboard

You receive only those requests for which you are an approver via the Dashboard and email.

To review requests:

  1. Log in to the

    as an approver.

  2. Navigate to ADMIN OPTIONSApprovals in the left menu.

  3. On the Approvals page, view the requests sent to you, indicated by the number visible on the Dashboard.

  4. You can either:

    Hover on the row and click APPROVE.

    Approve requests on the Payroll Dashboard

You have successfully approved the request.

To reject requests:

  1. Click REJECT when you hover on the request or in the summary view.
  2. Enter the remarks in the text box modal for the rejection and click Reject.
    Reject an approval request on RazorpayX Payroll

You have successfully rejected the request.

Handy Tips

You can also bulk approve/reject requests by selecting the check box at the top-left. Select and clear the check boxes against the requests and click the Approve or Reject button.

Summary view of approval request on Payroll Dashboard

On the Approvals Dashboard, you can withdraw the requests you have created. This is only possible when you are an approver in a workflow.

Watch Out!

You cannot review and approve/reject the requests you have created as a maker. You can only withdraw the request.

To withdraw/revoke a request you have initiated:

  1. Log in to the


  2. Navigate to ADMIN OPTIONSApprovals in the left menu.

  3. Select the Payroll action from the left menu and go to the Initiated by Me tab.

  4. Review the request to withdraw. Hover on the request and click WITHDRAW or click Withdraw Request in the summary view.

    Withdraw requests on Payroll Dashboard

    You can also bulk-select and withdraw multiple requests.

You have successfully withdrawn the request you have created.

Following are the statuses of a request from the time it is created.

Raised byThis is the status after the maker creates a request.
ApprovedThis is the status when you approve the request.
PendingThis is the status when a request awaits review from a second level of approvers.
RejectedThis is the status when you reject the request.

The above statuses are available in the summary view of the request. You can also view them in the Audit Report under Settings on the


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approve requests
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approvals dashboard