Add Facebook Pixel

Add your Facebook Pixel to your Payment Pages to track payments and conversions from your Facebook advertisements.

You can add your Facebook Pixel to your Payment Pages Storefront to track payments and conversions from your Facebook advertisements.

Available Tracking Metrics

Page ViewsWhen a customer lands on your Payment Page. This is the default metric to track page visits.
Add to CartWhen a customer clicks on an add-to-cart button.
Initiate CheckoutWhen a customer clicks on a checkout button.
PurchaseWhen a customer finishes the purchase or checkout flow and lands post-payment success page.


To add Facebook Pixel to your Payment Page:

  1. Navigate to your Payment Page in the edit mode.
  2. Click Page Settings.
  3. Go to Plugins and Add-ons and click Configure.
    Configure Plugins and Add Ons
  4. Add the details:
    1. Facebook Pixel ID: Enter the Facebook Pixel ID.
    2. Select the metrics you want to track from the following:
      • Page Views
      • Initiate Payment
      • Add to Cart
      • Payment Complete
    Add Google Tracking ID and FB Pixel
  5. Click Save.

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