Create a Payment Link

Create Standard Payment Links and UPI Payment Links.

You can create 2 types of payment links using the Dashboard:

You can create a Standard Payment Link to accept payments from your customers. When you create a Payment Link, it moves to Issued state by default.

Watch this video to see how to create a Standard Payment Link.

To create a Standard Payment Link:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Go to the PAYMENT PRODUCTS section and click Payment Links.
  3. Click + Create Payment Link.
  4. Click Standard Payment Link.
  5. Enter the required details in the Standard Payment Link pop-up page.
    • Amount (Mandatory): Select the currency and amount for the Payment Link. For example, select and enter1000 for ₹1,000. You can also accept payments in .
    • Payment For (Optional): Enter a description entered. For example, School fees for Gaurav Kumar - Class XII B.
    • Customer Details (Optional): Enter the customer's email and phone number. For example, 9876543210 and
    • Notify via Email (Optional): Select this option if you want us to send the Payment Link to the customer via email. Available only if you have entered the customer's email.
    • Notify via SMS (Optional): Select this option if you want us to send the Payment Link to the customer via SMS. Available only if you have entered the customer's phone number.
    • Reference Id (Optional): Provide a unique reference number for the link. For example, Adbb001.
    • Link Expiry (Optional): The date and time at which the Payment Link should expire.
    • Notes (Optional): Provide the internal notes for the Payment Link. For example:
      • Title (key) - Acme Corp.
      • Description (value) - Birthday cake Feb.
  6. Review the details and click Create Payment Link.

You can create a UPI Payment Link to collect funds from your customers via the Dashboard. When you create a Payment Link, it moves to the Issued state by default.

Watch this video to see how to create a UPI Payment Link.

To create a UPI Payment Link:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Payment Links.
  3. Click Create Payment Link.
  4. Click UPI Payment Link.
  5. Enter the required details in the UPI Payment Link pop-up page.
    • Amount (Mandatory): Select the currency and amount for the Payment Link. For example, select and enter1000 for ₹1,000.
    • Payment For: Enter a description entered. For example, School fees for Gaurav Kumar - Class XII B.
    • Customer Details: Enter the customer's email and phone number. For example, 9876543210 and
    • Notify via Email : Select this option if you want us to send the Payment Link to the customer via email. Available only if you have entered the customer's email.
    • Notify via SMS: Select this option if you want us to send the Payment Link to the customer via SMS. Available only if you have entered the customer's phone number.
    • Reference Id: Provide a unique reference number for the link. For example, Adbb001.
    • Link Expiry: The date and time at which the Payment Link should expire.
    • Internal Notes: Provide the internal notes for the Payment Link. For example:
      • Title (key) - Acme Corp.
      • Description (value) - Birthday cake Feb.
  6. Review the details and click Create Payment Link.

After a UPI Payment Link created, it appears in the list of Payment Links.

Handy Tips

We recommend you to create payment links in Test Mode for testing purposes.

Follow the below steps to make test payments for payment links:

  1. Select the payment link you wish to test from the dashboard.
  2. Copy the payment link URL and open it in your browser.
    Payment Link Test Payment
  3. Select the payment method of your choice and click Pay to proceed with the payment.
  4. Select Success or Failure, depending on which flow you wish to test.
    Test Payment Success or Failure Flow
  5. You should see a confirmation message depending on the flow you have selected.
    image title

You can create a Payment Link using the


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