About Payment Links

Create Razorpay Payments Links and share them with your customers from the Razorpay Dashboard or using APIs and start accepting payments. Check the advantages, payment methods, international currency support and more.

Razorpay Payment Links are a simple and convenient way to accept payments without a website or app. By generating a unique link, you can send it to customers via email, SMS, or social media, enabling them to make payments securely and easily.

  • Generate Payment Links from the Razorpay Dashboard or using our APIs.
  • Share the URL with your customers through SMS and email.

You can perform all the actions on Payment Links from the

- create, cancel, duplicate, search or update. You can also subscribe to Webhook events for immediate notifications. You can perform most of these actions using .

Here is a short video in Hindi about Payment Links.

Watch this video to know more about Payment Links.

  • Create-to-Collect in a matter of minutes
    Create Payment Links easily with a few clicks and share them with customers.

  • Automatic sharing of link
    The customers receive a Payment Link on SMS or email using which they can quickly pay.

  • Set expiry date
    Set due dates for Payment Links after which the links expire.

  • Partial payments
    Allow your customers to make

    . You can also decide the first installment amount to be paid by customers in case of partial payments.

  • Easy integration using APIs
    Seamlessly integrate Payment Links with your systems using APIs.

  • Set reminders
    Send automated SMS to your customers to remind them about outstanding payments.

Online Payment
Customers can make online payments using

, , , , , and options.

You can create Payment Links in any of the supported

using the Razorpay Dashboard or APIs.

If you are accepting international payments, you can use Razorpay's Address Verification System (AVS). AVS verifies if a customer's billing address (postal code and the billing street address) matches the billing address on file with the card issuer. Based on the response from the issuer, Razorpay will accept or cancel the transaction. This helps in the prevention of fraud in international payments.

Know more about


Log in to the

and click Payment Links. If you do not have a Razorpay account, sign up.

You can easily integrate Razorpay Payment Links with your existing order management and billing solution using the Razorpay Dashboard or using APIs. With API integration, a Payment Link can be created as soon as an order is created on your order management systems.

Razorpay Payment Links is supported on the following platforms:


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