If you are a business using Razorpay products or exploring Razorpay solutions, contact our Support Team for all your technical and product queries.
If you are a registered Razorpay user and need help, connect with
. Refer to for details about each of Razorpay products, integrations, like and .You are a registered Razorpay User
If you have a Razorpay User ID (Merchant ID/MID), and you:
- Run a business or are a freelancer.
- Use Razorpay products to receive payments from your end-users and/or make payouts for business purposes.
Not registered yet?
Log in to the Dashboard.
Click Help for Quick actions or to Get in touch.
You have the following options in the Get in touch section:
- : Check existing queries or raise a new support ticket
- : Start a live chat with us or request a callback for quicker resolution (selected users only)

You can also scroll further down and click Documentation to know about the various Razorpay offerings, integrations and APIs.
You can check existing queries or raise a new support ticket through the Dashboard. Watch this video to know how to raise a ticket.
- Log in to the Dashboard.
- Navigate to Account & Settings → Support tickets (under Business settings).
- Click Support tickets.
- Click + Raise New Query and select the relevant topic and sub-topic.
- Enter the details of your query and Upload file if necessary. Click Create support ticket.
- Confirm your phone number. The support ticket is created and details are sent to your registered email id. Click Done.
Know how to
on the Dashboard.Handy Tips
For a faster support experience, reply to the relevant existing ticket instead of creating a new ticket.
This feature is available for selected users only. If it is visible for your account, you can chat with a member of the Support Team between 10 a.m. and 10 p.m. on all working days for instant communication.

Customer Looking for Refunds
If you are a customer who has used one of the Razorpay products to make payments and looking for a refund, read about
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