Perform Client KYC

Know how to perform KYC for your clients from the Partner Dashboard.

Offer a smooth onboarding experience by assisting your client with their KYC. You can request KYC access from your client:

After the client approves your request, you can


  • Decreases Onboarding Time by 50%
    Partner performing KYC for sub-merchants decreases onboarding time by half and ensures a seamless onboarding experience.
  • Value Added Service
    Partner performing KYC acts as a delight feature for your clients.

You can request to perform KYC for your client when inviting them. During onboarding, your client will see a consent screen to allow you the access to perform KYC. They need to approve it for you to submit the KYC form on their behalf.

KYC consent form during client onboarding.

When inviting a client using email, you can opt in to assist their KYC by selecting Yes, I will assist my client with their KYC in the Assist the client with their KYC screen.

Service Partners - perform client KYC

To request KYC access when sending an invite using an email:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Click Partner and navigate to Affiliate Accounts.
  3. Select the Payments or RazorpayX tab depending on the product you want to refer your affiliate.
  4. Click + Add New Clients.
    Service Partners - add new clients
  5. Under the Using Email tab, enter the Client Name, Email ID and Contact number (optional) to which the invite link must be sent. Click Next.
    Service Partners - enter client details
  6. Select Yes, I will assist my client with their KYC and click Send Invite.

When inviting a client using referral link, you can opt-in to assist their KYC by selecting Yes, I will assist my client with their KYC. This will generate a new link initiating a request for KYC access from the client during the onboarding process

Service Partners - share referral link with KYC

To request KYC access when inviting using referral link:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. In the Partner section, navigate to Affiliate Accounts.
  3. Click Share Referral Link.
    Service Partners - share referral link
  4. For Partner accounts on which X referrals have been activated in the Share Referral Link modal, select Razorpay Payments or RazorpayX depending on the product you want to refer an affiliate.
  5. Select Yes, I will assist my client with their KYC.
  6. A drop-down page appears where you can share the link using:
    • Copy button: This copies the referral link. You can copy-paste this link and send it via email or instant messaging apps such as WhatsApp.
    • Facebook: Click the Facebook icon to share the referral link as a post on your Facebook account.
    • Twitter: Click the Twitter icon to send a tweet with the referral link.
    • WhatsApp: Click the WhatsApp icon to send a message with the referral link.

You can request and re-request KYC access during your client's onboarding journey.

Watch Out

You can only raise 3 requests per client for completing the KYC on their behalf. If the client declines all the 3 requests, you cannot send any more requests.

To request KYC access:

  1. In the Affiliate Accounts section of your Dashboard, click Request for KYC under the Actions column for the client you want to perform KYC.
    request kyc
  2. After you click on Request for KYC, a side panel opens. Click Request for KYC access to raise a request. You can also find link to documentation for documents required for KYC in the side panel.
    request kyc access

After you request for KYC access:

  1. The client receives an email to approve or reject the KYC request.
    approval email
  2. If the client approves the request, you can fill in the KYC details from the Partner Dashboard by clicking on Perform KYC. You can check the on the Partner Dashboard.
    Business Details - Submit KYC Details
  3. You can view the activation statuses as shown here:
    activation status

You can view the status of request on the Partner Dashboard under the Actions tab. Refer to the table below for all statuses and their description.

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client kyc
referral link