Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)

List of documents required to open a Current Account powered by RazorpayX in partnership with ICICI Bank for a limited liability partnership.

This page has information on the documents required for a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP) firm to open a Current Account using RazorpayX in partnership with ICICI Bank.

Handy Tips

  • All declarations should be on company letterhead along with date, sign, and stamp.
  • All declarations must contain rectangular stamp. Round stamp is not acceptable.
  • All KYC documents must be presented in originals to the bank Relationship Manager (RM).

Refer to the table given below for acceptable documents for KYC:

Handy Tips

Beneficial Owners are those holding more than 15% stake in the company.


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razorpay icici llp account
docs for llp current account icici
icici razorpay llp account forms