About MOTO Payments

Accept MOTO (Mail-Order-Telephone-Order) payments to charge a customer's credit card without card CVV data and 2-factor-authentication.

You can use MOTO (Mail-Order-Telephone-Order) transactions to charge a customer's credit card without using the CVV or 2-factor-authentication. You can extend this flow to your customers to reduce payment failures that may occur due to low internet speeds or redirects to bank pages.

Feature Request

  • This is an on-demand feature. Please raise a request with our to get this feature activated on your Razorpay account.
  • Watch this video to know how to raise a feature enablement request on the Dashboard.
Feature Request GIF

You must be PCI-compliant to accept and process customer's card details using the MOTO option. The compliance certificate should be updated as per the yearly renewal cycle.

1. What card types or issuers can be used with MOTO?

You can use the MOTO feature for all Visa and Mastercard credit cards.

2. What is the payment flow for MOTO?

All payments are authorized without card cvv data and 2-factor authentication.

3. Is cryptogram value required to process MOTO transactions via tokenised cards?

For MOTO transactions via tokenised cards, cryptogram value is not required to process the payment.

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moto transactions
payment methods