Payment Links Use Cases

Explore the diverse use cases of Razorpay Payment Links, a robust payment collection solution for businesses.

Explore how Razorpay Payment Links simplify direct payments, providing a frictionless transaction experience for customers and efficient revenue collection for businesses across various industries.

Razorpay Payment Links are designed to offer a direct, secure, and hassle-free payment solution that caters to a variety of business needs.


Acme Electronics uses Razorpay Payment Links to offer customers a direct payment option for online orders, in-store pickups, and after-sales services.

Here is how Payment Links help Acme:

Create-to-Collect in Minutes

Generate and share Payment Links with customers quickly after an order is placed, simplifying the checkout process.

Send Payment Links via SMS or email, enabling customers to pay with ease.

Set Expiry Dates

Encourage prompt payments by setting an expiration date for each Payment Link.

Partial Payments

Offer customers the option to make partial payments, adding flexibility for higher-priced items or services. Customers can make payments in instalments as per convenience.

Easy API Integration

Integrate Payment Links seamlessly with your sales systems for a streamlined process.

Set Reminders

Automatically remind customers of outstanding payments, ensuring a higher collection rate.

Freelancing and Professional Services

Acme Freelancers leverage Razorpay Payment Links to bill clients for completed projects, ad-hoc tasks, or retainers.

Here is how Payment Links help Acme:

Project Milestone Payments

Send Payment Links at various project stages, ensuring timely compensation.

Ad-Hoc Tasks

Quickly generate and send a Payment Link for immediate payment, useful for rush jobs or extra tasks.

Retainer Services

Collect monthly retainer fees easily through Payment Links.

Automatic Payment Reminders

Set up automated SMS reminders for due payments, reducing the need for manual follow-ups.

Hospitality Industry

Acme Hotels employs Razorpay Payment Links to facilitate bookings, additional service charges, and event reservations.

Here is how Payment Links help Acme:

Room Bookings

Guests receive a Payment Link to secure their booking, streamlining the reservation process.

Additional Services

Easily send Payment Links for room upgrades or special requests, enhancing the guest experience.

Event Reservations

Manage event bookings efficiently by sending Payment Links for immediate confirmation.

Set deadlines for event reservation payments to manage capacity and planning.


AcmeHorizon Academy uses Razorpay Payment Links to collect tuition, fees for extra-curricular activities, and donations.

Here is how Payment Links help AcmeHorizon:

Tuition Fee Collection

Simplify fee payments by creating Payment Links in batches and sending parents a direct Payment Link for each term's tuition. You can also send your customers automated SMS and email reminders for Payment Links.

Extracurricular Activities

Send Payment Links for additional classes or events, making it easier for parents to pay for their children's activities.

Fundraising and Donations

Facilitate the donation process for school fundraising efforts with easily shareable Payment Links.


Acme Clinics optimise patient billing by using Razorpay Payment Links for consultations, procedures, and health packages.

Here is how Payment Links help Acme Clinics:

Consultation Fees

Patients can pay for their appointments via Payment Links, confirming their slots conveniently.

Medical Procedures

After treatment, patients receive a Payment Link to settle their bills without the need to queue.

Health and Wellness Packages

Offer special health packages that patients can pay for through a Payment Link, right from their phone or computer.

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