Payment Link States

List of states of a Razorpay Payment Link and their significance.

A Payment Link starts in the issued state and moves through several states in its life cycle. The life cycle differs for

and Payment Links.

After a Standard Payment Link is created, you can track its status on your Dashboard on the Payment Link page. The diagram given below illustrates the life cycle of a Payment Link.

Standard Payment Link States

The table below lists the various states and their descriptions in the Payment Link life cycle:

Handy Tips

  • You cannot delete a Payment Link. However, you can cancel it. Know more about .
  • You can cancel a Payment Link only if it is in the issued state. You cannot cancel Payment Links in the partially_paid or paid state.

After you create a UPI Payment Link, you can track its status on your Dashboard on the Payment Links page. The diagram given below illustrates the life cycle of a UPI Payment Link.

life cycle - upi payment links

The table below lists the various states and their descriptions in the UPI Payment Link life cycle:

Partial Payments Not Supported

UPI Payment Links do not support partial payments. Hence, the partially_paid state does not exist.

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payment link states
payment link status
payment link issued
payment link created