Check the prerequisites before you integrate with Razorpay Quick Integration.
Quick integration is the fastest way to integrate Razorpay Checkout on your website and accept domestic and international payments from customers.
Handy Tips
The Quick Integration (previously known as Automatic integration method) is simple and fast. However, in case you would like more control over your integration and checkout, we recommend the
.Given below is a comparison between the Standard and Quick integrations:
Before you proceed:
- Create a
- Generate from the Dashboard. To go live with the integration and start accepting real payments, generate Live Mode API Keys and replace them in the integration.
- Know about the .
Follow these integration steps:
Other Solutions
Looking to integrate Razorpay with your mobile app or at a server-level? Check the list of
.- (Recommended)
- (Recommended)
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quick integration
payment gateway
quick vs standard
accept payments