Integrate Turbo UPI Mock SDK

Steps to integrate the Razorpay Turbo UPI Mock SDK with your app.

Mock SDK is a tool designed to facilitate your integration with Turbo UPI. Unlike conventional integration methods that rely on the stability of partner banks and NPCI UAT environments, Mock SDK removes this dependency, streamlining the integration process.


  • No Dependency on UAT Environment: Traditional integration methods often encounter obstacles due to issues with UAT environments. Mock SDK removes this roadblock, enabling you to integrate without external dependency.
  • Streamlines Integration: Mock SDK is designed to create a smoother integration experience, ensuring a hassle-free process. This allows you to quickly offer Turbo UPI services to the users.
  • Effortless Integration for Essential Flows: Mock SDK simplifies the process of integrating Turbo for important scenarios. This enables you to expand your range of UPI services for customers without dealing with complex requirements.
  • Seamless Transition to Production: After testing your integration with Mock SDK, you can smoothly transition to the Production SDK for final testing. This ensures a seamless and secure transition from development to live production.


  1. Contact our

    to get your mobile number, app, and GitHub account whitelisted to get access to the - sample app repository.

    • In this repository, you will find the AAR files (libraries for Turbo) and the sample app source code to help you do the entire integration.
    • The AARs on the main branch are for the production environment, the ones on the TURBO-719 branch are for the UAT environment, and the mock-product is for the mock environment.

    These are the important files in the sample app repo:

    • app/libs: All libraries (Bank, SecureComponent, and Turbo).
    • app/build.gradle: All transitive dependencies needed to integrate Turbo SDK.
  2. Integrate with the


  3. Import the following frameworks:

    • Checkout SDK
    • Razorpay Turbo Wrapper Plugin SDK (maven)
    • Razorpay Turbo Mock Core SDK
    • Razorpay Turbo Mock SDK
    • Razorpay SecureComponent SDK
    • Bank SDK
  4. Add the following lines to your Android project's file:

    • android.enableJetifier=true
    • android.useAndroidX=true

Watch Out!

  • minSDKversion for using Turbo UPI is currently 19 and cannot be overwritten.
  • API Key Usage for Different Environments:
    • Use the rzp_test_0wFRWIZnH65uny API key id for testing on the UAT environment.
    • Use the rzp_test_vacN5cmVqNIlhO API key id for testing on the Mock environment.
    • Use the for prod testing.
  • As a compliance requirement, you need to get approval from Google for READ_SMS permission. Refer to the for more details.

Follow these steps to integrate with


Razorpay has three environments: Mock, UAT and Prod. We recommend the following:

  • Complete the integration with the Mock environment.
  • Perform the UAT using the Razorpay-provided API keys.

Use the following data to test the integration.

Bank List

Bank idBank NameIFSC

Bank Accounts

Bank idBank NameAccount NumberBeneficiary NameAccount BalanceUPI PINATM PINCard NumberExpiry DateCVVOTP
1Axis Bankxxxx0001Pratheek₹100Not Set1234800011000101/25Random CVV123456
2SBI Bankxxxx0001Kushaal Singla₹9,000Not Set1234900011000101/25Random CVV123456
2SBI Bankxxxx0203Kushaal Singla₹99,9991234561234959911020301/25Random CVV123456

Following are the various scenarios based on the dependencies.

Dependencies and Scenarios

S.NoDependencyPositive ScenariosNegative Scenarios
1Device BindingDevice Binding
  • SIM not found
  • SMS sending failed
  • Permissions not given
2Account Linking
  • Account found
  • PIN set
  • PIN not set
No account for that number
3UPI ID generation
  • UPI ID present
  • New UPI ID creation
  • UPI PIN Management
  • Change PIN
  • Reset PIN
PIN Changed/Set Successfully
  • Invalid PIN
  • PIN not matching
  • Incorrect OTP
  • Incorrect card details(Reset PIN)
5P2M Transaction - In-App PaymentsPayment Successful
  • Invalid PIN
  • Timeout
  • Insufficient Balance
6Check BalanceShow BalanceInvalid PIN
7Delink AccountSuccess OnlyNA

Given are the various test cases and their sequential steps.

2.3.1 Device Binding Success

In the scenario of successful device binding, follow these simple steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that exists on the user's device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.linkNewUpiAccountWithUI method.
  3. Grant all the required permissions as prompted.
  4. The device binding process will initiate, including SMS sending.
  5. After successful device binding, a list of banks for selection will appear.

2.3.2 SIM not found

In the event of a SIM card not being found, follow these steps:

  1. Remove all SIM cards from the device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.linkNewUpiAccountWithUI method.
  3. Grant all the required permissions as prompted.
  4. A screen will be displayed with the error message No SIM found.

2.3.3 Denied Permissions or Access Restricted

When permissions are denied or access is restricted, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that exists on the user's device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.linkNewUpiAccountWithUI method.
  3. Deny the required permissions when prompted.
  4. A screen will be displayed, asking to allow the denied permissions.

2.3.4 Account Found

In the scenario where an account is found, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that exists on the user's device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.linkNewUpiAccountWithUI method.
  3. Grant the required permissions when prompted.
  4. The device binding process will initiate, including SMS sending.
  5. After successful device binding, a list of banks for selection will appear.
  6. Select Axis Bank or SBI Bank as mentioned in the .
  7. The expected response should be UpiTurboLinkAction = SELECT_BANK_ACCOUNT with action.getError()==null (no errors).
  8. The accounts based on the bank selection will be shown.

2.3.5 PIN

PIN set

When it comes to setting or managing your PIN, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that exists on the user's device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.linkNewUpiAccountWithUI method.
  3. Grant the necessary permissions when prompted.
  4. The device binding process will initiate, including SMS sending.
  5. After successful device binding, a list of banks for selection will appear.
  6. Select Axis Bank or SBI Bank as mentioned in the .
  7. The accounts based on the bank selection will be shown.
  8. Select the account ending with xxxx0203, as mentioned in the .
  9. The account will be linked, and the PIN will be set successfully.

PIN not set

When dealing with scenarios where a PIN is not set, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that exists on the user's device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.linkNewUpiAccountWithUI method.
  3. Grant the necessary permissions when prompted.
  4. The device binding process will initiate, including SMS sending.
  5. After successful device binding, a list of banks for selection will appear.
  6. Select Axis Bank or SBI Bank as mentioned in the .
  7. The accounts based on the bank selection will be shown.
  8. Select an account ending with xxxx0001, as mentioned in the .
  9. A card details screen will be displayed.

No Account for Specified Number

When there is no account associated with a particular number, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that exists on the user's device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.linkNewUpiAccountWithUI method.
  3. Grant the necessary permissions when prompted.
  4. The device binding process will initiate, including SMS sending.
  5. After successful device binding, a list of banks for selection will appear.
  6. Select HDFC or Yes Bank as mentioned in the .
  7. A screen will appear with the error message No bank account found.

PIN set Successfully

For a successful PIN setup, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that exists on the user's device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.linkNewUpiAccountWithUI method.
  3. Grant the necessary permissions when prompted.
  4. The device binding process will initiate, including SMS sending.
  5. After successful device binding, a list of banks for selection will appear.
  6. Select Axis Bank or SBI Bank as mentioned in the .
  7. The accounts based on the bank selection will be shown.
  8. Select an account ending with xxxx0001, as mentioned in the .
  9. A card details screen will be displayed. Enter the details from .
  10. Enter bank OTP from on the next screen then proceed.
  11. Enter and confirm the PIN on the subsequent screens.

Incorrect OTP

In situations where an incorrect OTP is encountered, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that exists on the user's device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.linkNewUpiAccountWithUI method.
  3. Grant the necessary permissions when prompted.
  4. The device binding process will initiate, including SMS sending.
  5. After successful device binding, a list of banks for selection will appear.
  6. Select Axis Bank or SBI Bank as mentioned in the .
  7. The accounts based on the bank selection will be shown.
  8. Select an account ending with xxxx0001, as mentioned in the .
  9. A card details screen will be displayed. Enter the details form
  10. Enter any random OTP except for 123456.

Incorrect Card Details (Reset PIN)

When dealing with resetting your PIN with incorrect card details, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that exists on the user's device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.linkNewUpiAccountWithUI method.
  3. Grant the necessary permissions when prompted.
  4. The device binding process will initiate, including SMS sending.
  5. After successful device binding, a list of banks for selection will appear.
  6. Select Axis Bank or SBI Bank as mentioned in the .
  7. The accounts based on the bank selection will be shown.
  8. Select an account ending with xxxx0001, as mentioned in the .
  9. Enter incorrect card details.

2.3.6 UPI ID

New UPI ID Creation (PIN already set)

For the scenario of creating a new UPI ID with an already set PIN, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that exists on the user's device.
  2. Call the razorpay.upiTurbo.linkNewUpiAccountWithUI method.
  3. Grant all the required permissions as prompted.
  4. The device binding process will initiate, including SMS sending.
  5. After successful device binding, a screen with a list of Banks will be displayed for Bank selection.
  6. Select Axis Bank or SBI Bank as mentioned in the .
  7. The accounts based on bank selection will be shown.
  8. Select an account ending with xxxx0203, as mentioned in the .
  9. Expect the final response to confirm that an account with a UPI ID is linked successfully.

New UPI ID Creation (PIN not set)

For the scenario of creating a new UPI ID without a set PIN, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that exists on the user's device.
  2. Call the razorpay.upiTurbo.linkNewUpiAccountWithUI method.
  3. Grant all the required permissions as prompted.
  4. The device binding process will initiate, including SMS sending.
  5. After successful device binding, a screen with a list of Banks will be displayed for Bank selection.
  6. Select Axis Bank or SBI Bank as mentioned in the .
  7. The accounts based on bank selection will be shown.
  8. Select an account ending with xxxx0001, as mentioned in the .
  9. A card detail screen will be displayed. Enter the details from .
  10. Enter the bank OTP from on the next screen, then proceed.
  11. Enter and confirm the PIN on the subsequent screens.

2.3.7 Manage Accounts

Show Balance

For scenarios related to checking your balance, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that is already registered on the device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.manageUpiAccounts method.
  3. A list of linked accounts will be displayed.
  4. Select the account for which you want to check the balance.
  5. Click on Check Balance, then enter the correct PIN when prompted.
  6. The balance for the selected account will be displayed.

Check Balance - Invalid PIN

When it comes to scenarios focused on checking your balance, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that exists on the user's device.
  2. Call the razorpay.upiTurbo.manageUpiAccounts method.
  3. A list of linked accounts will be displayed.
  4. Select the account for which you want to check the balance.
  5. Click on Check Balance.
  6. Enter an incorrect PIN when prompted.
  7. An error message will be displayed indicating that the provided PIN is invalid or does not match the expected PIN.

When it comes to scenarios related to delinking your account, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that is already registered on the device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.manageUpiAccounts method.
  3. A list of linked accounts will be displayed.
  4. Select the account you wish to delink.
  5. Click on the option to delink or remove the account.
  6. A confirmation alert will be displayed, confirming that your account has been successfully delinked.

Change PIN - Success

When it comes to successfully changing your PIN, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that is registered on the device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.manageUpiAccounts method.
  3. A list of linked accounts will be presented.
  4. Select the specific account for which you intend to change the PIN.
  5. Click on Change PIN, and proceed to enter the current PIN, along with the new PIN, and confirm the new PIN on the subsequent screens.

Change PIN - Failure

When attempting to change your PIN but encountering a failure, follow these steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that is registered on the device.
  2. Call razorpay.upiTurbo.manageUpiAccounts method.
  3. A list of linked accounts will be displayed.
  4. Select the specific account for which you wish to change the PIN.
  5. Click on Change PIN and proceed to enter an incorrect PIN, or enter a new PIN and a different PIN while confirming it.

Reset PIN - Success

To successfully reset your PIN, proceed with the following steps:

  1. Enter a mobile number that is registered on the device.
  2. Call the razorpay.upiTurbo.manageUpiAccounts method.
  3. View the list of linked accounts.
  4. Select the specific account for which you wish to reset the PIN.
  5. Click on Reset PIN and follow the prompts to input the bank OTP from the .
  6. Enter the new PIN and confirm it on the subsequent screens.

Watch Out!

  • Device Binding will only work if the user has at least one SIM card in their mobile device.
  • Users can set/reset the UPI PIN. The configured PIN will be used to validate the transaction.
  • Based on the for bank accounts, choose a bank for a single, multiple or no bank account.
  • Use the same ATM PIN and card Number mentioned in the .
  • The UPI PIN will revert to its default setting or be removed when you uninstall or clear storage.
  • Amount ₹24 is blocked for special cases. Please refer to .

Businesses should have the capability to display a user-friendly message to their customers for certain special or additional error scenarios. The SDK is equipped to simulate some of these cases.

ActionInput DataCodeDescription
PayAmount = ₹2491Timeout

  • Only one TPV whitelisted account (ending with xxxx0203) is permitted. Payments made using any other accounts will fail with the error Payment failed because the account linked to VPA is invalid.
  • Payment can be made multiple times when using Mock for any given order_id, which is not the case in production.
  • Use the rzp_test_V5AtnjYvupQXm1 API key id for TPV testing on the Mock environment.

Complete this

to take your integration live.

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