1. Build Integration

Steps to integrate your Android application with Razorpay Android Standard SDK.

Follow these steps to integrate your Android application with the Razorpay Android Standard SDK:

















Watch Out!

The Android app must have a minSDKversion of 19 or higher. If you want to support devices below API level 19, you must override minSDKversion. Use the sample code below to override minSDKversion:

<uses-sdk android:targetSdkVersion="27" android:minSdkVersion="19"

To install the SDK in your Android project:

Add the code given below to your project's top-level build.gradle file:
This gives access to the SDK library.

repositories {
dependencies {
implementation 'com.razorpay:checkout:1.6.40'

Handy Tips

From version 1.6.40 onwards, the latest version is automatically updated, eliminating the need for manual updates.

Add your <API_KEY_ID> dynamically using Checkout's setKeyId() method. You can generate the

from the Dashboard.

To quickly load the Checkout form, the preload method of Checkout must be called much earlier than the other methods in the payment flow. The loading time of the preload resources can vary depending on your network's bandwidth.

public class PaymentActivity extends Activity {
// ...
public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
* Preload payment resources
// ...
// ...

Watch Out!

It is recommended to send the API Key ID from your server-side as app-related metadata fetch. Do not add API Keys in the AndroidManifest file.

If you are using Proguard for your builds, you must add the following lines to your proguard-rules.pro file.

-keepclassmembers class * {
@android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>;
-keepattributes JavascriptInterface
-keepattributes *Annotation*
-dontwarn com.razorpay.**
-keep class com.razorpay.** {*;}
-optimizations !method/inlining/*
-keepclasseswithmembers class * {
public void onPayment*(...);

Call Checkout.sdkCheckIntegration(activity) to check the health of integration. This will also let you know if the SDK version is outdated. This will only appear in debug mode and not in the release.

Order is an important step in the payment process.

  • An order should be created for every payment.
  • You can create an order using the . It is a server-side API call. Know how to Orders API.
  • The order_id received in the response should be passed to the checkout. This ties the order with the payment and secures the request from being tampered.

You can create an order:

  • Using the sample code on the Razorpay Postman Public Workspace.
  • By manually integrating the API sample codes on your server.

You can use the Postman workspace below to create an order:

Handy Tips

Under the Authorization section in Postman, select Basic Auth and add the Key Id and secret as the Username and Password, respectively.

Use this endpoint to create an order using the Orders API.

curl -X POST https://api.razorpay.com/v1/orders
-H 'content-type:application/json'
-d '{
"amount": 500,
"currency": "INR",
"receipt": "qwsaq1",
"partial_payment": true,
"first_payment_min_amount": 230,
"notes": {
"key1": "value3",
"key2": "value2"
"id": "order_IluGWxBm9U8zJ8",
"entity": "order",
"amount": 5000,
"amount_paid": 0,
"amount_due": 5000,
"currency": "INR",
"receipt": "rcptid_11",
"offer_id": null,
"status": "created",
"attempts": 0,
"notes": [],
"created_at": 1642662092

Request Parameters



integer Payment amount in the smallest currency subunit. For example, if the amount to be charged is ₹299.00, then pass 29900 in this field. In the case of three decimal currencies, such as KWD, BHD and OMR, to accept a payment of 295.991, pass the value as 295990. And in the case of zero decimal currencies such as JPY, to accept a payment of 295, pass the value as 295.

Watch Out!

As per payment guidelines, you should pass the last decimal number as 0 for three decimal currency payments. For example, if you want to charge a customer 99.991 KD for a transaction, you should pass the value for the amount parameter as 99990 and not 99991.



string The currency in which the transaction should be made. See the

. Length must be 3 characters.

Handy Tips

Razorpay has added support for zero decimal currencies, such as JPY, and three decimal currencies, such as KWD, BHD, and OMR, allowing businesses to accept international payments in these currencies. Know more about

(May 2024).



string Your receipt id for this order should be passed here. Maximum length is 40 characters.



json object Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. Maximum 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters (maximum) each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”.



boolean Indicates whether the customer can make a partial payment. Possible values:

  • true: The customer can make partial payments.
  • false (default): The customer cannot make partial payments.



integer Minimum amount that must be paid by the customer as the first partial payment. For example, if an amount of ₹7,000.00 is to be received from the customer in two installments of #1 - ₹5,000.00, #2 - ₹2,000.00 then you can set this value as 500000. This parameter should be passed only if partial_payment is true.

Know more about


Response Parameters

Descriptions for the response parameters are present in the

parameters table.

Error Response Parameters

The error response parameters are available in the


There are two ways to pass the checkout parameters. You can either use payloadhelper or the JSONObject options. We recommend using payloadhelper to ensure that the right data types are used for the parameter values.

Create a JSONObject to send it to the SDK.

PayloadHelper payloadHelper = new PayloadHelper("INR", 100, "order_XXXXXXXXX");
payloadHelper.setName("Gaurav Kumar");
payloadHelper.setNotes(new JSONObject("{\"remarks\":\"Discount to customer\"}"));

If you want to create certain options that are not available, add them to the JSONObject we get from payloadHelper.getJson().

You can alternatively use the JSONObject options given below.

Create an instance of the Checkout and pass the payment details and options as a JSONObject. Ensure that you add the order_id generated in


public void startPayment() {
* Instantiate Checkout
Checkout checkout = new Checkout();
* Set your logo here
* Reference to current activity
final Activity activity = this;
* Pass your payment options to the Razorpay Checkout as a JSONObject
try {
JSONObject options = new JSONObject();
options.put("name", "Merchant Name");
options.put("description", "Reference No. #123456");
options.put("image", "http://example.com/image/rzp.jpg");
options.put("order_id", "order_DBJOWzybf0sJbb");//from response of step 3.
options.put("theme.color", "#3399cc");
options.put("currency", "INR");
options.put("amount", "50000");//pass amount in currency subunits
options.put("prefill.email", "gaurav.kumar@example.com");
JSONObject retryObj = new JSONObject();
retryObj.put("enabled", true);
retryObj.put("max_count", 4);
options.put("retry", retryObj);
checkout.open(activity, options);
} catch(Exception e) {
Log.e(TAG, "Error in starting Razorpay Checkout", e);

Handy Tips

When you paste the checkout options given above, the following error message appears: 'TAG has private access in androidx.fragment.app.FragmentActivity'. You can resolve this by adding the following code:

public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements PaymentResultListener {
private static final String TAG = MainActivity.class.getSimpleName();

Checkout.open() launches the Checkout form where the customer completes the payment and returns the payment result via appropriate callbacks on the PaymentResultListener.

Payment Options in JSONObject: All available options in the Standard Web Checkout are also available in Android.



string API Key ID generated from the Dashboard.



integer Payment amount in the smallest currency subunit. For example, if the amount to be charged is ₹299.00, then pass 29900 in this field. In the case of three decimal currencies, such as KWD, BHD and OMR, to accept a payment of 295.991, pass the value as 295990. And in the case of zero decimal currencies such as JPY, to accept a payment of 295, pass the value as 295.

Watch Out!

As per payment guidelines, you should pass the last decimal number as 0 for three decimal currency payments. For example, if you want to charge a customer 99.991 KD for a transaction, you should pass the value for the amount parameter as 99990 and not 99991.



string The currency in which the payment should be made by the customer. See the list of


Handy Tips

Razorpay has added support for zero decimal currencies, such as JPY, and three decimal currencies, such as KWD, BHD, and OMR, allowing businesses to accept international payments in these currencies. Know more about

(May 2024).



string Your Business/Enterprise name shown on the Checkout form. For example, Acme Corp.



string Description of the purchase item shown on the Checkout form. It should start with an alphanumeric character.



string Link to an image (usually your business logo) shown on the Checkout form. Can also be a base64 string if you are not loading the image from a network.



string Order ID generated via



object You can prefill the following details at Checkout.

Boost Conversions and Minimise Drop-offs

  • Autofill customer contact details, especially phone number to ease form completion. Include customer’s phone number in the contact parameter of the JSON request's prefill object. Format: +(country code)(phone number). Example: "contact": "+919000090000".
  • This is not applicable if you do not collect customer contact details on your website before checkout, have Shopify stores or use any of the no-code apps.



string Cardholder's name to be prefilled if customer is to make card payments on Checkout. For example, Gaurav Kumar.



string Email address of the customer.



string Phone number of the customer. The expected format of the phone number is + {country code}{phone number}. If the country code is not specified, 91 will be used as the default value. This is particularly important while prefilling contact of customers with phone numbers issued outside India. Examples:

  • +14155552671 (a valid non-Indian number)
  • +919977665544 (a valid Indian number).
    If 9977665544 is entered, +91 is added to it as +919977665544.



string Pre-selection of the payment method for the customer. Will only work if contact and email are also prefilled. Possible values:

  • card
  • netbanking
  • wallet
  • upi
  • emi



object Set of key-value pairs that can be used to store additional information about the payment. It can hold a maximum of 15 key-value pairs, each 256 characters long (maximum).


object Thematic options to modify the appearance of Checkout.



string Enter your brand colour's HEX code to alter the text, payment method icons and CTA (call-to-action) button colour of the Checkout form.



string Enter a HEX code to change the Checkout's backdrop colour.


object Options to handle the Checkout modal.



boolean Indicates whether clicking the translucent blank space outside the Checkout form should close the form. Possible values:

  • true: Closes the form when your customer clicks outside the checkout form.
  • false (default): Does not close the form when customer clicks outside the checkout form.



boolean Indicates whether pressing the escape key should close the Checkout form. Possible values:

  • true (default): Closes the form when the customer presses the escape key.
  • false: Does not close the form when the customer presses the escape key.



boolean Determines whether Checkout must behave similar to the browser when back button is pressed. Possible values:

  • true (default): Checkout behaves similarly to the browser. That is, when the browser's back button is pressed, the Checkout also simulates a back press. This happens as long as the Checkout modal is open.
  • false: Checkout does not simulate a back press when browser's back button is pressed.



boolean Determines whether a confirmation dialog box should be shown if customers attempts to close Checkout. Possible values:

  • true: Confirmation dialog box is shown.
  • false (default): Confirmation dialog box is not shown.



function Used to track the status of Checkout. You can pass a modal object with ondismiss: function()\{\} as options. This function is called when the modal is closed by the user. If retry is false, the ondismiss function is triggered when checkout closes, even after a failure.



boolean Shows an animation before loading of Checkout. Possible values:

  • true(default): Animation appears.
  • false: Animation does not appear.



string If you are accepting recurring payments using Razorpay Checkout, you should pass the relevant subscription_id to the Checkout. Know more about




boolean Permit or restrict customer from changing the card linked to the subscription. You can also do this from the

. Possible values:
  • true: Allow the customer to change the card from Checkout.
  • false (default): Do not allow the customer to change the card from Checkout.



boolean Determines if you are accepting

via instruments such as emandate, paper NACH and so on. Possible values:
  • true: You are accepting recurring payments.
  • false (default): You are not accepting recurring payments.



string Customers will be redirected to this URL on successful payment. Ensure that the domain of the Callback URL is allowlisted.



boolean Determines whether to post a response to the event handler post payment completion or redirect to Callback URL. callback_url must be passed while using this parameter. Possible values:

  • true: Customer is redirected to the specified callback URL in case of payment failure.
  • false (default): Customer is shown the Checkout popup to retry the payment with the suggested next best option.



string Unique identifier of customer. Used for:



boolean Determines whether to allow saving of cards. Can also be configured via the

. Possible values:
  • true: Enables card saving feature.
  • false (default): Disables card saving feature.



integer Sets a timeout on Checkout, in seconds. After the specified time limit, the customer will not be able to use Checkout.


object Marks fields as read-only.



boolean Used to set the contact field as readonly. Possible values:

  • true: Customer will not be able to edit this field.
  • false (default): Customer will be able to edit this field.



boolean Used to set the email field as readonly. Possible values:

  • true: Customer will not be able to edit this field.
  • false (default): Customer will be able to edit this field.



boolean Used to set the name field as readonly. Possible values:

  • true: Customer will not be able to edit this field.
  • false (default): Customer will be able to edit this field.


object Hides the contact details.



boolean Used to set the contact field as optional. Possible values:

  • true: Customer will not be able to view this field.
  • false (default): Customer will be able to view this field.



boolean Used to set the email field as optional. Possible values:

  • true: Customer will not be able to view this field.
  • false (default): Customer will be able to view this field.



boolean Used to auto-read OTP for cards and netbanking pages. Applicable from Android SDK version 1.5.9 and above. Possible values:

  • true: OTP is auto-read.
  • false (default): OTP is not auto-read.



boolean Used to rotate payment page as per screen orientation. Applicable from Android SDK version 1.6.4 and above. Possible values:

  • true: Payment page can be rotated.
  • false (default): Payment page cannot be rotated.



object Parameters that enable retry of payment on the checkout.


boolean Determines whether the customers can retry payments on the checkout. Possible values:

  • true (default): Enables customers to retry payments.
  • false: Disables customers from retrying the payment.


integer The number of times the customer can retry the payment. We recommend you to set this to 4. Having a larger number here can cause loops to occur.

Watch Out!

Web Integration does not support the max_count parameter. It is applicable only in Android and iOS SDKs.



object Parameters that enable configuration of checkout display language.


object Child parameter that enables configuration of checkout display language.


string The language in which checkout should be displayed. Possible values:

  • en: English
  • ben: Bengali
  • hi: Hindi
  • mar: Marathi
  • guj: Gujarati
  • tam: Tamil
  • tel: Telugu

Handy Tips

If you call the payment start method inside a fragment, ensure that the fragment's parent activity implements the PaymentResultListener interface.

You have the option to implement PaymentResultListener or PaymentResultWithDataListener to receive callbacks for the payment result.

  • PaymentResultListener provides only payment_id as the payment result.
  • PaymentResultWithDataListener provides additional payment data such as email and contact of the customer, along with the order_id, payment_id, signature and more.

Use the code below to import the function in your .java file. This should be added at the beginning of the file.

import com.razorpay.PaymentResultListener

Given below are the sample codes for implementation:

public class PaymentActivity extends Activity implements PaymentResultListener {
// ...
public void onPaymentSuccess(String razorpayPaymentID) {
* Add your logic here for a successful payment response
public void onPaymentError(int code, String response) {
* Add your logic here for a failed payment response
public class PaymentActivity extends Activity implements PaymentResultWithDataListener {
// ...
public void onPaymentSuccess(String razorpayPaymentID, PaymentData paymentData) {
* Add your logic here for a successful payment response
public void onPaymentError(int code, String response) {
* Add your logic here for a failed payment response

Watch Out!

  • Razorpay's payment process takes place in a new activity. Since there are two activities involved, your activity can get corrupted or destroyed if the device is low on memory. These two methods should not depend on any variables not set through your life cycle hooks.
  • It is recommended that you test everything by enabling "Don't Keep Activities" in Developer Options under Settings.

The error codes are returned in the onPaymentError method:

The SDK stores customer-specific data such as email, contact number, and user-session cookies if the customer wants to make another payment in the same session. You can delete such sensitive information before another customer logs into the app.

To erase customer data from the app, you can call the following method anywhere in your app.


A successful payment returns the following fields to the Checkout form.

  • You need to store these fields in your server.
  • You can confirm the authenticity of these details by verifying the signature in the next step.


string Unique identifier for the payment returned by Checkout only for successful payments.


string Unique identifier for the order returned by Checkout.


string Signature returned by the Checkout. This is used to verify the payment.

This is a mandatory step to confirm the authenticity of the details returned to the Checkout form for successful payments.

To verify the razorpay_signature returned to you by the Checkout form:

  1. Create a signature in your server using the following attributes:

    • order_id: Retrieve the order_id from your server. Do not use the razorpay_order_id returned by Checkout.
    • razorpay_payment_id: Returned by Checkout.
    • key_secret: Available in your server. The key_secret that was generated from the .
  2. Use the SHA256 algorithm, the razorpay_payment_id and the order_id to construct a HMAC hex digest as shown below:

    generated_signature = hmac_sha256(order_id + "|" + razorpay_payment_id, secret);
    if (generated_signature == razorpay_signature) {
    payment is successful
  3. If the signature you generate on your server matches the razorpay_signature returned to you by the Checkout form, the payment received is from an authentic source.

Given below is the sample code for payment signature verification:

RazorpayClient razorpay = new RazorpayClient("[YOUR_KEY_ID]", "[YOUR_KEY_SECRET]");
String secret = "EnLs21M47BllR3X8PSFtjtbd";
JSONObject options = new JSONObject();
options.put("razorpay_order_id", "order_IEIaMR65cu6nz3");
options.put("razorpay_payment_id", "pay_IH4NVgf4Dreq1l");
options.put("razorpay_signature", "0d4e745a1838664ad6c9c9902212a32d627d68e917290b0ad5f08ff4561bc50f");
boolean status = Utils.verifyPaymentSignature(options, secret);

After you have completed the integration, you can

, make test payments, replace the test key with the live key and integrate with other .

Handy Tips

On the Dashboard, ensure that the payment status is captured. Refer to the payment capture settings page to know how to


You can track the payment status in three ways:

To verify the payment status from the Dashboard:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard and navigate to TransactionsPayments.
  2. Check if a Payment Id has been generated and note the status. In case of a successful payment, the status is marked as Captured.
Check if the payment id is generated and the status is captured

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android integration
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