Update Default Rule

Know how to update the default rule for Optimizer.

The default rule applies to transactions that do not satisfy any of the custom rules. For example, you can ensure that 100% of all transactions is routed through payment gateway A.

To view the default rule:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Select Optimizer.
  3. Click View Default Rule. By default, 100% of transactions are routed through Razorpay. You can choose to retain it or edit it as per your requirements.
View Default Rule

To edit the default rule:

  1. Click View Default Rule.
  2. In the side pane, click Edit Rule.
    Edit Default Rule
  3. The rule details appear. Click Edit Target Provider.
  4. Update the priority. Let us assume you want to ensure that 80% of transactions are routed through Razorpay and 20% through payment gateway ABC. To do this:
    1. Enter 80 in the Route field and select Razorpay against the payment via field.
    2. Click Add Another Provider.
    3. In the new row, enter 20 in the Route field and select ABC against the payment via field.
      Edit Default Rule Details
    4. Click Next.
    5. Click Publish Edits.
    6. Click Yes, Publish to confirm the change.

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default rule
optimizer default rule
view default rule
edit default rule