Zapier Integration
Know how to integrate Razorpay triggers with Zapier to automate your workflows.
Zapier is a powerful tool that allows you to automate tedious tasks by connecting multiple web apps without the need to write a single line of code.
Watch Out!
Only Owners can install this OAuth App and perform integration.
With the Zapier app, users can integrate Razorpay with other web apps by moving the data automatically using triggers and actions.
Following are a few examples where you can use Razorpay-Zapier integration:
- Send automated notifications from popular email automation tools like Mailchimp or Gmail for new Razorpay payments.
- Update your customer data in your CRM tools like Hubspot or Salesforce without any hassle.
- Sync information seamlessly between your accounting apps like Zoho Books or Tally.
- Enrol students in learning courses with new successful payments on Razorpay.
- Add newly-captured Razorpay payments to rows in Google Sheets.
- Send SMS messages through messaging tools for new payments made through Razorpay.
Watch this video to know how to integrate Razorpay Payment Gateway with your Zapier app.
- Sign up for a .
- Sign up for a .
Follow these steps to integrate your Zapier application with Razorpay:
Click Create Zap on the top-left of the Zapier Dashboard page.
Name your Zap.
Search for the Razorpay option in the list of triggers.
Select an event based on your use case.
Click on Continue.
Click Sign in to Razorpay to connect to your Razorpay account through OAuth.
You will see this screen if you are logged in, or else you will be prompted to log in.
Once authorised, you will be redirected back to the Zapier page. You are now linked to your account.
Click Continue to get a sample test trigger.
Handy Tips
Test trigger is a sample payment that Zapier will pull from your account so that you can continue with the rest of your workflow.
To get a test trigger, you need to have at least one successfully captured payment from the recent 1000 payments.
You can repeat the process by choosing from a range of various apps.
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