Transaction Payloads

Sample payload for RazorpayX Transactions.

The table below lists the webhook events available for


Webhook EventsDescription
transaction.createdTriggered whenever you:
  • Make a Payout (RazorpayX Lite or current account).
  • Add funds to your RazorpayX account (RazorpayX Lite or current account).
  • Perform any kind of transaction (ATM transaction, cash withdrawal, netbanking transfer, encashed cheque) on your current account.

Watch Out!

If you have changed your webhook secret, remember to use the old secret for webhook signature validation while retrying older requests. Using the new secret will lead to a signature mismatch.

Do Not Parse or Cast the Webhook Request Body

While generating a signature at your end, ensure that the webhook body is passed as an argument in the raw webhook request body. Do not parse or cast the webhook request body.

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