
Fetch details of the transactions linked to the business account using RazorpayX APIs.

Transactions are the records of inflow of funds to your business account, and payouts to a contact's fund account and reversals. You can fetch details of a particular transaction or details of all transactions using the following APIs.

Explore the Transactions API collection below in the Razorpay Postman Public Workspace. Fork the workspace and test the APIs with your


Before you fire APIs, keep your Key id and Key Secret available. You can

in Live Mode or in on the .

API EndpointDescription
Retrieves all the transactions made from your business account.
Retrieves a particular transaction.

The Transaction entity has the following fields:


string The unique identifier linked to the transaction. For example, txn_00000000000001.


string The entity created. Here, it is transaction.


string The business account from which the payout was made. For example, 7878780080316316.


integer The amount transferred, in paise. The transfer can either be a credit (when you add funds to your account) or a debit (when you make a payout).

The value passed here does not include fees and tax. Fees and tax, if any, are deducted from your account balance.


string The transaction currency. Here, it is INR.


integer The amount, in paise, credited to your account. Is 0 for debit transactions (when making payouts).


integer The amount, in paise, debited to your account. Is 0 for credit transactions (when adding funds to your account).


integer The remaining amount, in paise, in your account after the debit or credit transaction.


object Details of the payout made or details of the bank account from which money was added to your business account.


string The payout id when making payouts or the bank transfer id when adding funds to your account.


string The entity for which the transaction was created. Possible values:

  • payout
  • bank_transfer


integer The amount transferred, in paise.


string The unique identifier linked to the fund account. For example, fa_00000000000001.
This value is returned only when the source entity is payout.


object User-entered notes for internal reference. This is a key-value pair. You can enter a maximum of 15 key-value pairs. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”.

This value is returned only when the source entity is payout.


string Name linked to the account making the transfer. For example, Saurav Kumar.
This value is returned only when the source entity is bank_transfer.


string The account number from which money is transferred to your business bank account. For example, 6543266545411243.
This value is returned only when the source entity is bank_transfer.


string The branch IFSC from where the transfer is being made. For example, UTIB0000002. This value is returned only when the source entity is bank_transfer.


string The mode used to transfer money to your business bank account. For example, NEFT. This value is returned only when the source entity is bank_transfer.


string Reference from the bank from which money was transferred to your business bank account. For example, AXIR000000000001.
This value is returned only when the source entity is bank_transfer.


integer The fees, in paise, for the transaction. This field is populated only when the transaction moves to the processing state. For example, 5.
This value is returned only when the source entity is payout.


integer The tax, in paise, for the fee being charged. This field is populated only when the transaction moves to the processing state. For example, 1.
This value is returned only when the source entity is payout.


string The status of the transaction. A transaction can be in any of the following states:

  • pending
  • queued
  • processing
  • processed
  • reversed
  • cancelled
  • rejected

This value is returned only when the source entity is payout.


string The unique transaction number for the transaction. For example, HDFCN00000000001.
This value is returned only when the source entity is payout.


string The payout mode. Refer to the

for more details.
This value is returned only when the source entity is payout.


integer Timestamp, in Unix, when the source entity or transaction entity was created. For example, 1545320320.

"id": "txn_00000000000002",
"entity": "transaction",
"account_number": "7878780080316316",
"amount": 1000000,
"currency": "INR",
"credit": 0,
"debit": 1000000,
"balance": 9000000,
"source": {
// if source entity = bank_transfer, the system returns the following values.
"payer_name":"Saurav Kumar",
// end of source entity = bank_transfer.
// start of source entity = payout (default source).
"id": "pout_00000000000001",
"entity": "payout",
"fund_account_id": "fa_00000000000001",
"amount": 1000000,
"notes": {
"notes_key_1": "Tea, Earl Grey, Hot",
"notes_key_2": "Tea, Earl Grey… decaf."
"fees": 3,
"tax": 1,
"status": "processed",
"utr": "000000000001",
"mode": "NEFT",
"created_at": 1545224066,
"fee_type": null
"created_at": 1545224066

to configure and receive notifications when a specific occurs. When one of these events is triggered, we send an HTTP POST in JSON to the webhook's configured URL.

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