Product Configuration APIs

Use the Product Configuration APIs to enable sub-merchants request for a product.

You can use the Product Configuration APIs to configure and activate Razorpay products for a sub-merchant account according to their requirements. For example, if you need our Payment Gateway product for all sub-merchants or Payment Gateway for one sub-merchant and Payment Link product for another sub-merchant, you can do so using this API.

You can create, fetch and update product configuration requests using these APIs.

You can even accept terms and conditions for the requested product using these APIs. You can fetch the terms and conditions using the


Handy Tips

  • In the requirements section of Documents API, depending upon the requirement, you can classify it into two types:

    • Required document: field_reference: "proof_type.document_type"

      Example: business_proof_of_identification.business_pan_url.

      This means as a sub-merchant you need to upload the business_pan_url document in order to get the requirement fulfilled.

    • Selected required document: field_reference : "proof_type"

      Example: individual_proof_of_address.

      This means as a merchant you can upload from ONE of the following groups, that is submit [aadhar_front ,aadhar_back] or [voter_id_front, voter_id_back] or [passport_front, passport_back]. Once all the documents from any ONE of the groups are uploaded, the requirement gets fulfilled.

  • The products Payment Links and Payment Gateway have similar requirements. If a requirement is submitted through a product configuration for payment_gateway, the same will be applicable for other product configurations, such as payment_links, and vice versa.

Explore the Product Configuration API collection in the Razorpay Postman Public Workspace. Fork the workspace and test the APIs with your


API EndpointDescription
Requests a product configuration. You can request a product configuration for Payment Gateway and Payment Links.
Retrieves the details of an account.
Update a product configuration. You can and .
Check the and before using this API.


string The unique identifier of a product generated by Razorpay for a sub-merchant account. This id is used to fetch or update a product.


string The product(s) to be configured. Possible values:

  • payment_gateway
  • payment_links


object It consists of the configuration for the accepted terms and conditions by the merchant for the requested product. If the terms and conditions are accepted by the user for the requested product, it would consist of the following fields:


string The unique identifier representing the acceptance of terms and conditions for a product by a user.


boolean The flag that represents whether the terms and conditions are accepted by the user.


integer The Unix timestamp at which the terms and conditions were accepted by the user for the requested product.


string The status of the

  • requested
  • needs_clarification
  • under_review
  • activated
  • suspended


object The following are the possible configurations:


object The payment methods configured, such as, netbanking, UPI, Wallet and EMI.


object The UPI type payment method.


string The status of UPI payment method.


array The list of UPI instruments requested or enabled.


object The netbanking type payment method.


string The status of the netbanking payment method.


array The netbanking instrument object.


string The type of netbanking payment method. Possible values:

  • Retail
  • Corporate


array The list of netbanking banks requested or enabled. Refer the

page for netbanking bank codes.


object The Wallet type payment method.


string The status of the Wallet payment method.


array The list of Wallet instruments requested or enabled.


string The EMI type payment method.


string The status of EMI payment method.


array The EMI instrument object.


string The type of EMI payment method. Possible values:

  • card_emi
  • cardless_emi


array The list of EMI partners requested or enabled. Possible values:

  • For card_emi: debit and credit.
  • For cardless_emi: zestmoney and earlysalary.


object The payment method to be enabled.


boolean Enables or disables the payment method. Possible values:

  • true: Enables the paylater payment method.
  • false: Does not enable the paylater payment method.


string The Paylater service provider. Possible values are:

  • epaylater
  • getsimpl


object The payment capture settings object.


string The mode through which payment capture is done. Possible values:

  • automatic: Payments are auto-captured (default)
  • manual: You have to manually capture payments using our Capture API or from the Partner's Dashboard.


numeric This denotes the time in minutes when the payment is in the authorized state. This is auto-captured.


numeric This denotes the time in minutes until you can manually capture payments in the authorized state.

  • Must be equal to or greater than the automatic_expire_period value.
  • The default and the maximum value is 7200 minutes.
  • The payments in the authorized state after the manual_expire_period are auto-refunded.


object The Settlement settings object.


string The bank account number to which settlements are made. Account details can be found on the Partner's Razorpay Dashboard. For example, 7878780080316316.


string The IFSC associated with the bank account. For example, RATN0VAAPIS.


string The name of the beneficiary associated with the bank account.

Handy Tip

This API parameter is needed complete the KYC process. However, it is optional for this API.


object This denotes the payment refund settings.


string Speed at which the refund is to be processed. Possible values are:

  • normal: Indicates that the refund will be processed at the normal speed. By default, the refund will take 5-7 working days.
  • optimum: Indicates that the refund will be processed at an optimal speed based on Razorpay's internal fund transfer logic. That is:
    • If the refund can be processed instantly, Razorpay will initiate the process irrespective of the payment method used to make the payment.
    • If an instant refund is not made, Razorpay will initiate a refund that is processed at the normal speed. For example, payments made using debit cards, netbanking or unsupported credit cards.


object The checkout form of the payment capture.


string The theme color for sub-merchant's checkout page


string The logo of the sub-merchant's business on the checkout page.


boolean The flagging options Enable or Disable for Razorpay's Flash Checkout to securely save the card details of your customers.


object This denotes the notifications settings.


string The email addresses that will receive notifications regarding payments, settlements, daily payment reports, webhooks, and so on.


boolean The WhatsApp notifications you receive regarding payments, settlements, daily payment reports, webhooks, etc.


boolean The SMS notifications you receive regarding payments, settlements, daily payment reports, webhooks, etc. This attribute will be set to false.


object The configuration of the product requested by the user that is yet to be set as active.


object The configuration of the product that has been set as active.


object The list of requirements to be enabled for this product or some of the configurations under this product. It is classified into two types:

  • Required document: field_reference: "proof_type.document_type". For example: business_proof_of_identification.business_pan_url. The sub-merchant needs to upload the business_pan_url document to get the requirement fulfilled.
  • Selected required document: field_reference : "proof_type". For example: individual_proof_of_address. The sub-merchant can upload ONE of the following groups, that is, submit [aadhar_front ,aadhar_back] or [voter_id_front, voter_id_back] or [passport_front, passport_back]. Once all the documents of any ONE of the groups are uploaded, the requirement gets fulfilled.


string The field which is in issue or missing. The JSON key path in resolution URL.


string The URL to address the requirement. The API endpoint to be used for updating missing fields or documents.


string The status of the requirement.


string The reason code for showing in the requirement. Description will be sent only when reason code is "". Possible values are:

  • field_missing
  • needs_clarification
  • document_missing


string This parameter is displayed when the reason_code is needs_clarification.


integer The Unix timestamp at which the product configuration is requested.

You can update the following details for Payment Gateway and Payment Links using the Update a Product Configuration API. However, whether the details can be updated or not depends upon the


  • Settlement Bank Account Details: You can update the settlement object with the new bank account details based on the product activation status.

  • Request Additional Payment Methods: You can request various payment methods and related instruments to be enabled using the payment_methods object. However, you can request for only one payment method at a time. For example, if you want to enable HDFC Netbanking and Rupay Domestic Card payment methods, you should send two separate API requests. You cannot send a consolidated request using this API.

  • Update Notifications Settings: You can update the email, WhatsApp and SMS settings using the notifications object.

  • Configure Checkout Features: You can change the checkout theme colour, add a logo and enable the saving of customer card details using the checkout object.

  • Configure Refund Speed: You can configure the default refund speed using the refund object.

  • Accept of Terms and Conditions: You can accept Razorpay terms and conditions.

Activation StatusUpdate Permitted
requestedYou can update the details for all the fields.
needs_clarificationThe fields you can update depend on the reason_code mentioned in the requirements object in the :
  • document_missing or field_missing: You can update all the fields.
  • needs_clarification: You can update only the specific field for which Razorpay is seeking clarification for.
under_reviewYou cannot update any fields.
activatedYou cannot use this API to update any fields as your account is already active.

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