Integrate With Route
Step-by-step guide on how to integrate Razorpay Route.
Razorpay Route can split payments between third parties, sellers or bank accounts. Integrate Razorpay Route by following these steps:
- Create a Razorpay account.
- Log in to the Dashboard and . You need to use these keys while using our APIs and Checkout.
- Add Linked Accounts using or .
Follow these steps to create Linked Accounts and transfer funds to them.
To transfer funds to various third parties, sellers, bank accounts or vendors, you should add them as Linked Accounts. When you add a Linked Account, you gain complete visibility and control of all the fund movements, such as transfers, reversals and refunds for each of your Linked Accounts.
You can create Linked Accounts using
and APIs.Follow these steps to create Linked Accounts using APIs.
will be assigned to the created account.You should now
using theaccount_id
. A unique stakeholder_id
will be assigned to the created stakeholder account.Now that both Linked Account and stakeholder are created, you should
.You should now trigger the
API with the bank account details of the Linked Account. The configuration will be activated if the information review is successful.If the activation_status
moves to the needs_clarification
state, you can check the requirements
array in the response for needs_clarification
reasons. The array will contain the following information:
You should use the endpoint in the resolution_url
to update the details and get the configuration activated.
After you create Linked Accounts, you can start transferring funds to them. You can Transfer funds using the following methods:
You can set up Transfers at the time of order creation. The Transfer is automatically created and settled to the respective Linked Accounts after the payment is captured and the order is paid.
You can initiate a Transfer from the received payments.
You can Transfer funds to Linked Accounts directly from your account balance using Direct Transfers.
Requirements to initiate a transfer:
- Maintain sufficient funds to successfully process the transfer to the Linked Account.
- You can only transfer the
payments. - You can create more than one transfer on a
. However, the total transfer amount (payment amount + fee) should not exceed the captured payment amount. - You cannot request a transfer on payment once a refund has been initiated.
After completing the integration, you can simulate a test transfer in the test mode using the
or methods from the Dashboard.Watch Out!
Transfers via orders can only be done using
.Consider the following steps before taking your integration live.
After confirming your integration is working successfully, you can take the integration live by switching the Test Mode API Keys with the Live Mode Keys.
Watch this video to learn how to generate Live API keys:
You can create live Transfers to Linked Accounts created in the Test Mode.
You can subscribe to these
.This section provides information about business type, category, sub-category, KYC requirements and their possible values.
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