View Reports

Find out how to generate the QR Codes report from the Razorpay Dashboard.

You can generate the QR Codes report from the Razorpay Dashboard.

To generate reports:

  1. Log in to the .
  2. Navigate to Reports.
  3. On the Reports page, enter the following details:
    1. Select Report Type: Select the QR Codes Report.
      Select QR Codes Report
    2. Select Period: Select the period for which the report should be generated.
    3. Select Format: Select the file format. You can report in CSV, XLS and XLSX formats.
    4. Email Report To: You can send the report to the email address registered with Razorpay.
  4. Click Generate Report.
    Generate a QR Codes Report

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Once the report is generated, you can view the following fields:

idThe unique ID of a QR Code.
statusThe status of the QR Code. This can be either active or closed .
nameThe name given to the QR Code during its generation.
descriptionThe description given to the QR Code during its generation.
notesAny Internal Note added during the generation of the QR Code.
usage_typeIndicated if the QR can accept only one payment or multiple payments.
fixed_amountIndicates if the QR Code can accept only a fixed amount or not.
amountThis section displays the QR Code's amount only if it accepts a fixed amount.
providerIndicates which type of QR Code it is. This can either be upi_qr or bharat_qr .
payments_amount_receivedIndicates the total amount paid through a particular QR Code.
payments_received_countIndicates the total number of payments made through a particular QR Code.
close_reasonIndicates the reason why a QR Code is Closed.

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