Close a QR Code

Know how to close a QR Code. A customer cannot make payments for closed QR Codes.

You can close a QR Code. A customer cannot make payments for the closed QR codes. Know more about


Handy Tips
QR codes that support multiple payments cannot be closed.

Here is short video on how to close a QR code from the Razorpay Dashboard.

To close a QR code:

  1. Log in to the .
  2. Click on QR Code.
  3. that you want to close using the search criteria.
  4. Select the QR code id.
  5. On the right-hand side panel, click the Close QR Code button.
    Close a QR code from the Razorpay Dashboard
  6. On the Close QR Code? dialog box, click Yes, Close to confirm the closure.
    Confirm the closure of a QR code from the Razorpay Dashboard

The closed QR codes display a Closed status label.

QR code closed from the Razorpay Dashboard

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