Refund CRED Pay Payments to Customers

Know how to refund CRED Pay payments made by customers.

You can make full and partial refunds payments to customers who have paid using CRED Pay. Payments via CRED pay are broken down into two components - Amount paid using Credit Card and Discount availed via offers. Only the amount paid by the user via their Credit Card will be refunded, while limited offers (available only once per user) applied during the payment will become available again only in case of full refunds.

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When you initiate a full refund to your customer, the customer will receive only the proportion of the amount paid via Card as a refund to their card. Limited offers (available only once per user) applied during the payment will become available again.

For example, if a customer has shopped on your website for ₹10, they received an offer worth, say, ₹2 and pay the rest ₹8 using credit cards saved on CRED. When you refund the entire amount (₹10), the customer will receive only ₹8 to their card.

ParticularsAmount (₹)
Total amount paid by customer10
Amount paid using Credit Card8
Amount paid as an offer2
Full refund received by customer8
Refund to Credit Card8
Number of times offer can be applied again1

When you initiate a partial refund to your customer, the refund amount credited to your customer is based on the ratio of discount redeemed to the amount paid via Card. If at the time of payment, the ratio of offer redeemed to amount paid via Card is 2:8, the same ratio will be applied to calculate the refund amount. In case of partial refunds, customers cannot use the limited offers again in future payments.

For example, if a customer has shopped on your website for ₹10, they get an offer worth, say, ₹2 and pay the rest ₹8 using credit cards saved on CRED. When you refund a partial amount of say ₹5, the ratio of 8:2 will be applied. According to this ratio, the customer will receive only ₹4 to their card.

ParticularsAmount (₹)
Total amount paid by customer10
Amount paid using Credit Card8
Amount paid using CRED Coins2
Partial refund initiated by business5
Partial refund received by customer in 8:2 ratio4
Refund to Credit Card (₹5x8/10)4
Number of times offer can be applied again0

Initiate full and partial refunds using:

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