1. Build Integration

Steps to integrate the Custom Checkout form on your website.

Follow the steps to integrate Custom Checkout in your site:



















Order is an important step in the payment process.

  • An order should be created for every payment.
  • You can create an order using the . It is a server-side API call. Know how to Orders API.
  • The order_id received in the response should be passed to the checkout. This ties the Order with the payment and secures the request from being tampered.

The following is a sample API request and response for creating an order:

curl -X POST https://api.razorpay.com/v1/orders
-H 'content-type:application/json'
-d '{
"amount": 50000,
"currency": "INR",
"receipt": "rcptid_11",
"partial_payment": true,
"first_payment_min_amount": 23000

Here is the list of parameters and their description for creating an order:



integer Payment amount in the smallest currency sub-unit. For example, if the amount to be charged is ₹299.00, then pass 29900 in this field. In the case of three decimal currencies, such as KWD, BHD and OMR, to accept a payment of 295.991, pass the value as 295990. And in the case of zero decimal currencies such as JPY, to accept a payment of 295, pass the value as 295.

Watch Out!

As per payment guidelines, you should pass the last decimal number as 0 for three decimal currency payments. For example, if you want to charge a customer 99.991 KD for a transaction, you should pass the value for the amount parameter as 99990 and not 99991.



string Currency code for the currency in which you want to accept the payment. For example, INR. Refer to the

for a list of supported international currencies.

Handy Tips

Razorpay has added support for zero decimal currencies, such as JPY, and three decimal currencies, such as KWD, BHD, and OMR, allowing businesses to accept international payments in these currencies. Know more about

(May 2024).



string Your receipt id for this order should be passed here. Maximum length is 40 characters.



json object Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. Maximum 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters (maximum) each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”.



boolean Indicates whether the customer can make a partial payment. Possible values:

  • true: The customer can make partial payments.
  • false (default): The customer cannot make partial payments.



string Unique identifier of the customer. For example, cust_1Aa00000000004.

Know more about


The error response parameters are available in the


When creating a custom checkout form, display only the activated methods to the customer. Use the below methods to fetch all payments methods available to you:

var razorpay = new Razorpay({
key: '<YOUR_KEY_ID>',
// logo, displayed in the popup
image: 'https://i.imgur.com/n5tjHFD.jpg',
razorpay.once('ready', function(response) {

Know more about

offered by Razorpay.

Include the following script, preferably in the <head> section of your page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://checkout.razorpay.com/v1/razorpay.js"></script>

Handy Tips

  • Include the script from https://checkout.razorpay.com/v1/razorpay.js instead of serving a copy from your server. This allows the library's new updates and bug fixes to fit your application automatically.
  • We always maintain backward compatibility with our code.

var razorpay = new Razorpay({
key: '<YOUR_KEY_ID>',
// logo, displayed in the payment processing popup
image: 'https://i.imgur.com/n5tjHFD.jpg',

If you need multiple Razorpay instances on the same page, you can globally set some of the options:

key: '<YOUR_KEY_ID>',
// logo, displayed in the payment processing popup
image: 'https://i.imgur.com/n5tjHFD.jpg',
new Razorpay({}); // will inherit key and image from above.

While building a custom UI for accepting payments from your customers, you should be familiar with the fields supported in the razorpay.js script.



string API Key ID generated from DashboardAccount & Settings




integer Payment amount in the smallest currency sub-unit. For example, if the amount to be charged is ₹299.00, then pass 29900 in this field. In the case of three decimal currencies, such as KWD, BHD and OMR, to accept a payment of 295.999, pass the value as 295999. And in the case of zero decimal currencies such as JPY, to accept a payment of 295, pass the value as 295.

Watch Out!

As per VISA Guidelines, you should pass the last decimal number as 0 for three decimal currency payments. For example, if you want to charge a customer 99.991 KD for a transaction, you should pass the value for the amount parameter as 99990 and not 99991.



string The currency in which the payment should be made by the customer. For example, INR. See the list of


Handy Tips

Razorpay has added support for zero decimal currencies, such as JPY, and three decimal currencies, such as KWD, BHD, and OMR, allowing businesses to accept international payments in these currencies. Know more about

(April 2023).



string Description of the product shown in the Checkout form. It must start with an alphanumeric character.



string Link to an image (usually your business logo) shown in the Checkout form. Can also be a base64 string, if loading the image from a network is not desirable.



string Order ID generated via the




object Set of key-value pairs that can be used to store additional information about the payment. It can hold a maximum of 15 key-value pairs, each 256 characters long (maximum).



string The payment method used by the customer on Checkout.
Possible values:

  • card (default)
  • upi (default)
  • netbanking (default)
  • wallet (default)
  • emi (default)
  • cardless_emi (requires )
  • paylater (requires )
  • emandate (requires )


mandatory if method=card/emi

object The details of the card that should be entered while making the payment.


integer Unformatted card number.


string The name of the cardholder.


integer Expiry month for card in MM format.


integer Expiry year for card in YY format.


integer CVV printed on the back of the card.

Handy Tips

  • CVV is not required by default for tokenised cards across all networks.
  • CVV is optional for tokenised card payments. Do not pass dummy CVV values.
  • To implement this change, skip passing the cvv parameter entirely, or pass a null or empty value in the CVV field.
  • We recommend removing the CVV field from your checkout UI/UX for tokenised cards.
  • If CVV is still collected for tokenised cards and the customer enters a CVV, pass the entered CVV value to Razorpay.


integer Defines the number of months in the EMI plan.


mandatory if method=emandate

The details of the bank account that should be passed in the request. These details include bank account number, IFSC code and the name of the customer associated with the bank account.


string Bank account number used to initiate the payment.


string IFSC of the bank used to initiate the payment.


string Name associated with the bank account used to initiate the payment.


mandatory if method=netbanking

string Bank code. List of available banks enabled for your account can be fetched via



mandatory if method=wallet

string Wallet code for the wallet used for the payment. Possible values:


mandatory if method=cardless_emi/paylater

string Name of the cardless EMI provider partnered with Razorpay.

Available options for Cardless EMI (requires


  • barb
  • cshe
  • hdfc
  • icic
  • idfb
  • kkbk
  • krbe
  • zestmoney
  • earlysalary
  • tvsc
  • walnut369

Available options for Pay Later:


mandatory if method=upi

string UPI ID used for making the payment on the UPI app.



string The URL to which the customer must be redirected upon completion of payment. The URL must accept incoming POST requests. The callback URL will have razorpay_payment_id, razorpay_order_id and razorpay_signature as the request parameters for a successful payment.


conditionally mandatory

boolean Determines whether customer should be redirected to the URL mentioned in the callback_url parameter. This is mandatory if callback_url parameter is used. Possible values:

  • true: Customer will be redirected to the callback_url.
  • false: Customer will not be redirected to the callback_url

After creating an order and obtaining the customer's payment details, send the information to Razorpay to complete the payment. The data that needs to be submitted depends on the customer's payment method. You can do this by invoking createPayment method.

Know more about


var data = {
amount: 1000, // in currency subunits. Here 1000 = 1000 paise, which equals to ₹10
currency: "INR",// Default is INR. We support more than 90 currencies.
email: 'gaurav.kumar@example.com',
contact: '9123456780',
notes: {
address: 'Ground Floor, SJR Cyber, Laskar Hosur Road, Bengaluru',
order_id: 'order_CuEzONfnOI86Ab',// Replace with Order ID generated in Step 4
method: 'netbanking',
// method specific fields
bank: 'HDFC'
var btn = document.querySelector('#btn');
btn.addEventListener('click', function(){
// has to be placed within user initiated context, such as click, in order for popup to open.
razorpay.on('payment.success', function(resp) {
alert(resp.razorpay_signature)}); // will pass payment ID, order ID, and Razorpay signature to success handler.
razorpay.on('payment.error', function(resp){alert(resp.error.description)}); // will pass error object to error handler

Watch Out!

The createPayment method should be called within an event listener triggered by user action to prevent the popup from being blocked. For example:

$('button').click( function (){ razorpay.createPayment(...) })

Handy Tips

  • Handler Function
    When you use the handler function, the response object of the successful payment (razorpay_payment_id, razorpay_order_id and razorpay_signature) is submitted to the Checkout Form. You need to collect these and send them to your server.
  • Callback URL
    When you use a callback URL, Razorpay makes a post call to the callback URL, with the razorpay_payment_id, razorpay_order_id and razorpay_signature in the response object of the successful payment (razorpay_payment_id and razorpay_order_id).

A successful payment returns the following fields to the Checkout form.

  • You need to store these fields in your server.
  • You can confirm the authenticity of these details by verifying the signature in the next step.


string Unique identifier for the payment returned by Checkout only for successful payments.


string Unique identifier for the order returned by Checkout.


string Signature returned by the Checkout. This is used to verify the payment.

A failed payment returns an error response.

"error": {
"description": "Authentication failed due to incorrect otp",
"field": null,
"source": "customer",
"step": "payment_authentication",
"reason": "invalid_otp",
"metadata": {
"payment_id": "pay_EDNBKIP31Y4jl8",
"order_id": "order_DBJKIP31Y4jl8"

Know more about


This is a mandatory step to confirm the authenticity of the details returned to the Checkout form for successful payments.

To verify the razorpay_signature returned to you by the Checkout form:

  1. Create a signature in your server using the following attributes:

    • order_id: Retrieve the order_id from your server. Do not use the razorpay_order_id returned by Checkout.
    • razorpay_payment_id: Returned by Checkout.
    • key_secret: Available in your server. The key_secret that was generated from the .
  2. Use the SHA256 algorithm, the razorpay_payment_id and the order_id to construct a HMAC hex digest as shown below:

    generated_signature = hmac_sha256(order_id + "|" + razorpay_payment_id, secret);
    if (generated_signature == razorpay_signature) {
    payment is successful
  3. If the signature you generate on your server matches the razorpay_signature returned to you by the Checkout form, the payment received is from an authentic source.

Given below is the sample code for payment signature verification:

RazorpayClient razorpay = new RazorpayClient("[YOUR_KEY_ID]", "[YOUR_KEY_SECRET]");
String secret = "EnLs21M47BllR3X8PSFtjtbd";
JSONObject options = new JSONObject();
options.put("razorpay_order_id", "order_IEIaMR65cu6nz3");
options.put("razorpay_payment_id", "pay_IH4NVgf4Dreq1l");
options.put("razorpay_signature", "0d4e745a1838664ad6c9c9902212a32d627d68e917290b0ad5f08ff4561bc50f");
boolean status = Utils.verifyPaymentSignature(options, secret);

After you have completed the integration, you can

, make test payments, replace the test key with the live key and integrate with other .

Handy Tips

On the Dashboard, ensure that the payment status is captured. Refer to the payment capture settings page to know how to


You can track the payment status in three ways:

To verify the payment status from the Dashboard:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard and navigate to TransactionsPayments.
  2. Check if a Payment Id has been generated and note the status. In case of a successful payment, the status is marked as Captured.
Check if the payment id is generated and the status is captured

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