3DS2 Migration Guide for Existing S2S Cards Integration

If you integrated with our APIs before October 15, 2022, you should make the following changes to your integration to accept card payments with the 3DS2 protocol.

If you integrated with our S2S APIs before October 15, 2022, you must make the following changes to your integration to accept card payments with 3DS2 authentication protocol.

Watch Out!

You must have a PCI compliance certificate to get this feature enabled on your account.

3DS2 is an authentication protocol, the successor of 3DS1, that enables businesses and payment providers to send additional information (such as customer device or browser data) to verify the transaction's authenticity. Razorpay integration is compliant with the 3DS2 protocol.

Know more: Razorpay supports


The customer's bank evaluates the transaction for risk and decide on the payment flow.

  • Frictionless Flow: This flow is activated if the bank determines that the transaction is from a trusted device and allows the payment to go through without any additional authentication from the customer.

Currently, this would not be applicable in India for domestic payments as RBI mandates OTP-based authentication. For international payments, this flow is viable.

  • Challenge Flow: This flow is activated if the bank determines that the transaction is not from a trusted device and needs additional information. The customer needs to perform additional authentication steps.

Handy Tips

  • Integration does not differ for challenge or frictionless flow.
  • Frictionless flow is not applicable for payments on cards.

Given below is a diagram that explains the 3DS2 flow:

Cards 3DS2 Protocol

Ensure you make the following changes in your Create a Payment API request. There is no change in the response.

Parameter ChangesDescription
New ParametersPass these new parameters:
  • authentication and related child parameter: These determine the being used.
  • browser and related child parameters: These capture the customer's , which are sent to the banks to aid their risk analysis.
Existing ParameterThe ip parameter is now mandatory.

The following endpoint creates a payment via the redirect flow.

curl -X POST \
https://api.razorpay.com/v1/payments/create/json \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"amount": 100,
"currency": "INR",
"contact": "9900008989",
"email": "gaurav.kumar@example.com",
"order_id": "order_DPzFe1Q1dEOKed",
"method": "card",
"number": "4111111111111111",
"name": "Gaurav",
"expiry_month": 11,
"expiry_year": 23,
"cvv": 100
"authentication_channel": "browser"
### 3DS2.0 Browser Parameters###
"java_enabled": false,
"javascript_enabled": false,
"timezone_offset": 11,
"color_depth": 23,
"screen_width": 23,
"screen_height": 100
"ip": "",
"referer": "https://merchansite.com/example/paybill",
"user_agent": "Mozilla/5.0"

Handy Tips

  • The payment request and response would remain same for both frictionless and challenge scenarios.
  • The payment request would remain same for both redirection and native OTP flows.



integer Payment amount in the smallest currency sub-unit. For example, if the amount to be charged is ₹299.00, then pass 29900 in this field.



string Currency code for the currency in which you want to accept the payment. For example, INR. Refer to the list of supported currencies. Length must be of 3 characters.



string Unique identifier of the Order generated in the first step.



string Email address of the customer. Maximum length supported is 40 characters.



string Phone number of the customer. Maximum length supported is 15 characters, inclusive of country code.



string Name of the payment method. Possible value is card.



object Details associated with the card.


string Unformatted card number.


string Name of the cardholder.


string Expiry month for the card in MM format.


string Expiry year for the card in YY format.


string CVV printed on the back of the card.

Handy Tips

  • CVV is not required by default for Visa and Amex tokenised cards.
  • To enable CVV-less flow for Rupay and MasterCard, contact our .
  • CVV is mandatory for Diners tokenised cards.
  • CVV is an optional field. Skip passing the cvv parameter to Razorpay to implement this change.



object Key-value object used for passing tracking info. Refer to

for more details.



string URL endpoint where Razorpay will submit the final payment status.



string Referrer header passed by the client's browser.



string The User-Agent header of the user's browser. Default value will be passed by Razorpay if not provided by merchant.



string The customer's IP address.



object Details of the authentication channel.


string The authentication channel for the payment. Possible values:

  • browser (default)
  • app



object Information regarding the customer's browser. This parameter need not be passed when authentication_channel=app.


boolean Indicates whether the customer's browser supports Java. Obtained from the navigator HTML DOM object.


boolean Indicates whether the customer's browser is able to execute JavaScript.Obtained from the navigator HTML DOM object.


integer Time difference between UTC time and the cardholder browser local time. Obtained from the getTimezoneOffset() method applied to Date object.


integer Total width of the payer's screen in pixels. Obtained from the screen.width HTML DOM property.


integer Obtained from the navigator HTML DOM object.


integer Obtained from payer's browser using the screen.colorDepth HTML DOM property.


string Obtained from payer's browser using the navigator.language HTML DOM property. Maximum limit of 8 characters.

If the payment request is valid, the response contains the following fields.


string Unique identifier of the payment. Present for all responses.


array A list of action objects available to you to continue the payment process.


string An indication of the next step available to you to continue the payment process. Possible value:

  • redirect: The payment requires the customer to be redirected to a bank page. Redirect the customer's browser to the URL returned in the url attribute of the object.


string URL to be used for the action indicated. For redirect, this will be a URL that the customer's browser needs to be redirected to for authentication.

The rest of the integration steps mentioned in the

remain the same. No changes are required in those.

After completing the build integration steps, you can continue with

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