Integrate Turbo UPI Headless

Steps to integrate Razorpay Turbo UPI Headless with your app.

With Razorpay Turbo UPI, businesses experience faster and simpler payments. It condenses the payment process from 5 steps to just 1, eliminating app redirections. Enjoy a seamless in-app payment experience, reduce dependencies on third-party UPI apps, and gain complete visibility of the payment journey.


  1. Contact our

    to get your mobile number, app, and GitHub account whitelisted to get access to the - sample app repository. In this repository, you will find the AAR files (libraries for Turbo). The AARs on the main branch are for the UAT environment, and the ones on the prod branch are for the production environment.
    These are the important files in the sample app repo:

    • app/libs: All libraries (Bank, SecureComponent and Turbo) common for headless SDK.
    • app/build.gradle: All transitive dependencies needed to integrate Turbo SDK.
  2. Integrate with


  3. Import the following frameworks:

    • Razorpay Turbo Wrapper Plugin SDK (maven)
    • Razorpay Turbo Core SDK
    • Razorpay SecureComponent SDK
    • Bank SDK
  4. Add the following lines to your Android project's file:

    • android.enableJetifier=true
    • android.useAndroidX=true

Watch Out!

Currently, the Flutter SDK is available for Android, while iOS support is under development and will be available soon.

  1. Use the code given below to initialise the SDK.

    import 'package:razorpay_flutter/razorpay_flutter.dart';
    // Create a Razorpay instance
    razorpay = Razorpay("YOUR_KEY_ID");
  2. Use the following code to link the newly created UPI account with your app. This function can be called from anywhere in the application, providing multiple entry points for customers to link their UPI account with your app.

    Request Parameter

    mobileNumberMobile number of the customer.
    • Initialise the instance to handle the event using the code given below:
    • Handle dynamic responses to perform specific actions, including error handling and interactions with the integration, based on 'type' and 'action' properties.

    Watch Out!

    It is mandatory to add the import statement within the linkNewUpiAccount function for RazorpayCard access.

    import 'package:razorpay_flutter_customui/card.dart' as RazorPayCard;
    void _handleLinkNewUpiAccountFlows(dynamic response) {
    if (response["error"] != null) {
    Error error = response["error"];
    switch (response["action"]) {
    case "LOADER_DATA":
    / Use this trigger to easily show background process happening in the SDK during onboarding
    case "STATUS":
    customerMobile: mobileNumber,
    onSuccess: (List<UpiAccount> upiAccounts) {},
    onFailure: (Error error) {},
    case "SELECT_SIM":
    List<Sim> sims = response["data"];
    // Show dialog with a list of sims
    razorpay.upiTurbo.register(sim: sims[0]);
    case "SELECT_BANK":
    AllBanks allBank = response["data"];
    List<Bank> popularBanks = allBank.popularBanks;
    List<Bank> banks = allBank.banks;
    // Show dialog with bank list
    razorpay.upiTurbo.getBankAccounts(bank: banks[0]);
    List<BankAccount> bankAccounts = response["data"];
    razorpay.upiTurbo.selectedBankAccount(bankAccount: bankAccounts[0]);
    case "SETUP_UPI_PIN":
    var card = RazorPayCard.Card(
    lastSixDigits: lastSixDigits,
    expiryYear: expiryYear,
    expiryMonth: expiryMonth,
    razorpay.upiTurbo.setupUpiPin(card: card);
    // Wrong action message
  3. If your customer has already linked the UPI account, use the following code to fetch it. If there are no linked UPI accounts, an empty list is returned.

    razorpay.upiTurbo.getLinkedUpiAccounts(customerMobile: mobileNumber,
    onSuccess: (List<UpiAccount> upiAccounts){
    //Display on boarded UpiAccounts.
    onFailure: (Error error) {
    //Display error message to user.

    Request Parameter

    mobileNumberMobile number of the customer.

    Response Parameters

    onSuccessThis function is triggered if the list is fetched successfully. accList can be empty to indicate that no accounts have been linked yet.
    onFailureThis function is triggered in case an error is thrown during the retrieval process, either by the Razorpay SDK or the Bank SDK.
  4. To accept payments, call Custom Checkout’s submit method with the following payload:

    Map<String, dynamic> payload = {
    "key": "[YOUR_KEY_ID]",
    "currency": "INR",
    "amount": 100,
    "contact": "9000090000",
    "method": "upi",
    "email": "",
    "upi": {
    "flow": "in_app"
    Map<String, dynamic> turboPayload = {
    "upiAccount": getUpiAccountStr(upiAccounts[0]),
    "payload": payload,
    String getUpiAccountStr(UpiAccount upiAccount) {
    return jsonEncode(UpiAccount(
    accountNumber: upiAccount.accountNumber,
    bankLogoUrl: upiAccount.bankLogoUrl,
    bankName: upiAccount.bankName,
    bankPlaceholderUrl: upiAccount.bankPlaceholderUrl,
    ifsc: upiAccount.ifsc,
    pinLength: upiAccount.pinLength,
    vpa: upiAccount.vpa,

    Request Parameter

    turboPayloadPayload for initiating transaction.

    Response Parameters

    onSuccessThis function is triggered if the list is fetched successfully. accList can be empty to indicate that no accounts have been linked yet.
    onFailureThis function is triggered in case an error is thrown during the retrieval process, either by the Razorpay SDK or the Bank SDK.
    • Initialise the instance to handle the event, using the code given below:
    razorpay.on(Razorpay.EVENT_PAYMENT_SUCCESS, _handlePaymentSuccess);
    razorpay.on(Razorpay.EVENT_PAYMENT_ERROR, _handlePaymentError);
    • Print payment success and error responses by attaching event listeners to payment events as given below:
    void _handlePaymentSuccess(Map<dynamic, dynamic> response) {
    print('Payment Success Response : $response');
    void _handlePaymentError(Map<dynamic, dynamic> response) {
    print('Payment Error Response : $response');

You can directly interact with the exposed methods of the Turbo Framework to perform the non-transactional flows listed below.

Fetch Balance

Fetch the customer's account balance. Call getBalance() on the bank account object received from upiAccount.

razorpay.upiTurbo.getBalance(upiAccount: upiAccount,
onSuccess: (AccountBalance accountBalance){
onFailure: (Error error) {

Request Parameter

upiAccountProvides a bank account.

Response Parameters

onSuccessAccountBalance object received in the response.
onFailureThis function is triggered in case of an error. An Error object will be received.

Change UPI PIN

Provide the customer with the ability to change their UPI PIN. Call changeUpiPin() on the bank account object received from UpiAccount.

razorpay.upiTurbo.changeUpiPin(upiAccount: upiAccount,
onSuccess: (UpiAccount upiAccount){
onFailure: (Error error) {

Request Parameters

upiAccountProvides a bank account.

Response Parameters

onSuccessUpiAccount object received in the response.
onFailureThis function is triggered in case of an error. An Error object will be received.

Reset UPI

Let your customers reset the PIN for their account.

razorpay.upiTurbo.resetUpiPin(upiAccount: upiAccount, card: card,
onSuccess: (UpiAccount upiAccount){
onFailure: (Error error) {

Request Parameters

upiAccountProvides a bank account.
cardProvides a card.

Response Parameters

onSuccessUpiAccount object received in the response.
onFailureThis function is triggered in case of an error. An Error object will be received.

Let your customers delink, that is, remove a selected UPI account from your application.

Request Parameter

upiAccountProvides a bank account.

Response Parameters

onSuccessEmpty object will be received.
onFailureThis function is triggered in case of an error. An Error object will be received.

The SDKs given below provide access to exposed models for seamless integration.


FieldsReturn TypeDescription
maskedAccountNumberStringMasked account number.
beneficiaryNameStringName of the account holder.
typeStringThe account type. Possible values are savings and current.
bankBankBank Object.


FieldsReturn TypeDescription
ifscStringIFSC of bank.
nameStringName of bank.
imageURLStringImage URL of bank logo.
bankPlaceholderUrlStringImage URL for bank logo placeholder.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
idlongBalance Account id.
balanceStringBalance amount in paise.
currencyStringCurrency in INR.


errorCodeTypes of error codes
  • BAD_REQUEST_ERROR: Failure from the client's end (SDK).
  • GATEWAY_ERROR: Failure either from the Secure Component or the Bank.
  • SERVER_ERROR: Failure at PSP.
errorDescriptionBrief description of the error.
errorReasonSpecifies the specific reason for the error.
errorSourceIndicates the origin of the error.
errorStepHighlights the stage where the error occurred.

[This is the latest version of the list and was last updated on February 27th, 2024]


MethodReturn TypeDescription
accountNumberStringMasked account number.
ifscStringIFSC of the bank.
bankLogoUrlStringImage URL of the bank logo.
bankNameStringName of the bank.
bankPlaceholderUrlStringImage URL for bank logo placeholder.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
idStringSIM id used to target SIM card for binding.
providerStringNetwork provider name.
slotNumberIntegerSIM slot number. Possible values are 0 and 1 .
numberStringMobile number stored in SIM card.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
lastSixDigitsStringLast six digits of the debit card number.
expiryYearStringExpiry year. Format: YY .
expiryMonthStringExpiry month.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
popularBanksStringReturns the list of the top 8 banks.
banksStringReturns a list of all banks.

We recommend the following:

  • Complete the integration on UAT before using the prod builds.
  • Perform the UAT using the Razorpay-provided API keys.

Complete these steps to take your integration live:

  1. You should get your app id whitelisted by Razorpay to test on prod.

    Handy Tips

    Contact our

    to get your mobile number and app whitelisted.

  2. Import the prod library from the Github repository → prod branch.

  3. Add Proguard rules:

    • keepclassmembers,allowobfuscation class * { <fields>; }
    • keepclassmembers enum * { *; }
    • keepclassmembers class * { @android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>; }
    • dontwarn com.razorpay.**
    • keep class com.razorpay.** {*;}
    • keep class com.olivelib.** {*;}
    • keep class com.olive.** {*;}
    • keep class** {*;}
    • keep interface** {*;}
    • keep class org.npci.** {*;}
    • keep interface org.npci.** {*;}
    • keep class retrofit2.** { *; }
    • keep class okhttp3.** { *; }
  4. Replace the UAT credential with the

    for prod testing.

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