Integrate Turbo UPI TPV

Know how Razorpay performs Third-Party Validation (TPV) of investor bank accounts in real-time using Razorpay Turbo UPI Headless.

Third-party validation (TPV) of bank accounts is mandatory for businesses in the BFSI (Banking, Financial Services and Insurance) sector dealing with Securities, Broking and Mutual Funds. You can accept customer payments by integrating with the Turbo UPI Headless - TPV SDK.


  1. Contact our

    to get your mobile number, app and GitHub account whitelisted to get access to the - sample app repository. In this repository, you will find the AAR files (libraries for Turbo UPI) and the sample app source code to help you do the entire integration. The AARs on the main branch are for the UAT environment, and the ones on the prod branch are for the production environment.
    These are the important files in the sample app repo:

    • app/src/turboUI: Sample app code for UI SDK
    • app/libs: All libraries (Bank, SecureComponent and Turbo) common for headless and UI SDK
    • app/build.gradle: All transitive dependencies needed to integrate the Turbo SDK.
  2. Integrate with


  3. Import the following frameworks:

    • Razorpay Turbo Wrapper Plugin SDK (maven)
    • Razorpay Turbo Core SDK
    • Razorpay SecureComponent SDK
    • Bank SDK
  4. Add the following lines to your Android project's file:

    • android.enableJetifier=true
    • android.useAndroidX=true

Watch Out!

  • minSDKversion for using Turbo UPI is currently 19 and cannot be over written.
  • Use the rzp_test_5sHeuuremkiApj API key id for testing on the UAT environment and the for prod testing.
  • As a compliance requirement, you need to get approval from Google for READ_SMS permission. Refer for more details.
  • If the user changes their mobile number during onboarding, you should store the updated number and pass it to the Turbo SDK.

Given below are the steps:

Step 1: Whitelist Customer Bank Accounts (Optional)

You can whitelist (also known as allowlist) your customer's bank accounts to ensure that only those accounts are considered during customer onboarding. By whitelisting the accounts at the start, you can avoid the bank account linking during payment. Use the Customer APIs to create customers and add their bank account details.

For example, if a customer, Gaurav, has two bank accounts ABC and XYZ, you can use the APIs to create a customer id and link the bank accounts to that id. You can then pass this customer id at the time of payment.

Follow these steps.

Step 1.1: Create a Customer

Use this endpoint to create or add a customer with basic details such as name and contact details.

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"name": "Gaurav Kumar",
"contact": "9123456780",
"email": "",
"fail_existing": "0",
"notes": {
"notes_key_1": "Tea, Earl Grey, Hot",
"notes_key_2": "Tea, Earl Grey… decaf."

Request Parameters



string Customer's name. Alphanumeric value with period (.), apostrophe ('), forward slash (/), at (@) and parentheses are allowed. The name must be between 3-50 characters in length. For example, Gaurav Kumar.



string The customer's phone number. A maximum length of 15 characters including country code. For example, +919876543210.



string The customer's email address. A maximum length of 64 characters. For example,



string Possible values:

  • 0: If a customer with the same details already exists, fetches details of the existing customer.
  • 1 (default): If a customer with the same details already exists, throws an error.



string Customer's GST number, if available. For example, 29XAbbA4369J1PA.



object This is a key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. It can hold a maximum of 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters (maximum) each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”.

Response Parameters


string Unique identifier of the customer. For example, cust_1Aa00000000004.


string Customer's name. Alphanumeric, with period (.), apostrophe ('), forward slash (/), at (@) and parentheses allowed. The name must be between 3-50 characters in length. For example, Gaurav Kumar.


string The customer's phone number. A maximum length of 15 characters including country code. For example, +919876543210.


string The customer's email address. A maximum length of 64 characters. For example,


string GST number linked to the customer. For example, 29XAbbA4369J1PA.


json object This is a key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. It can hold a maximum of 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters (maximum) each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”.


integer UNIX timestamp, when the customer was created. For example, 1234567890.

Step 1.2: Add Customer's Bank Account

The following endpoint adds the customer's bank accounts.

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"ifsc_code": "UTIB0000194",
"account_number": "11214311215411",
"beneficiary_name": "Gaurav",
"beneficiary_address1": "address 1",
"beneficiary_address2": "address 2",
"beneficiary_address3": "address 3",
"beneficiary_address4": "address 4",
"beneficiary_email": "",
"beneficiary_mobile": "9900990099",
"beneficiary_city": "Bangalore",
"beneficiary_state": "KA",
"beneficiary_country": "IN"

Path Parameter



string Customer id of the customer whose bank account is to be added.

Request Parameters



string Customer's bank account number. For example, 11214311215411.



string The name of the beneficiary associated with the bank account.



string The virtual payment address.



string Email address of the beneficiary. For example,



string Mobile number of the beneficiary.



string The city of the beneficiary.



string The state of the beneficiary.



string The country of the beneficiary.



integer The pin code of the beneficiary's address.



string The IFSC of the bank branch associated with the account.

Response Parameters


array An array containing bank account details.


string Unique identifier of the bank account.


string The type of entity, which in this case is bank_account.


string The IFSC of the bank branch associated with the account.


string The name of the bank.


string The name associated with the bank account.


object Set of key-value pairs that can be used to store additional information about the payment.


integer Customer's bank account number. For example, 11214311215411.

Step 2: Create an Order (Mandatory)

Pass the investor bank account details to the bank_account array of the Orders API. Given below is the sample code when the method is upi.

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
"amount": 500,
"method": "upi",
"receipt": "BILL13375649",
"currency": "INR",
"bank_account": {
"account_number": "765432123456789",
"name": "Gaurav Kumar",
"ifsc": "HDFC0000053"

Request Parameters



integer The transaction amount expressed in paise (currency supported is INR). For example, for an actual amount of ₹1, the value of this field should be 100.



string The currency in which the transaction should be made. You can create orders in INR only.



string Receipt number that corresponds to this order, set for your internal reference. Maximum length is 40 characters.



json object Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. Maximum 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters (maximum) each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”.



string The payment method used to make the payment. If this parameter is not passed, investors will be able to make payments using both netbanking and UPI payment methods. Possible values:

  • netbanking: Investors can make payments only using netbanking.
  • card: Investors can make payments using debit card.
  • upi: Investors can make payments only using UPI.



object Details of the bank account that the investor has provided at the time of registration.



string The bank account number from which the investor should make the payment. For example, 765432123456789 Payments will not be processed for an incorrect account number.



string The name linked to the bank account. For example, Gaurav Kumar.



string The bank IFSC. For example, HDFC0000053.

Response Parameters


string Unique identifier of the order.


string Indicates the type of entity. Here, it is order.


integer The order amount represented in the smallest unit of the currency passed. For example, amount = 100 translates to 100 paise, that is ₹1 (default currency is INR).


integer The amount that has been paid.


integer The amount that is yet to be paid.


string The 3-letter ISO currency code for the payment. Currently, we support INR only.


string A unique identifier of the order entered by the user. For example, BILL13375649.


string The status of the order.


object Key-value pair you can use to store additional information about the entity. Maximum of 15 key-value pairs, 256 characters each. For example, "note_key": "Beam me up Scotty”.


integer The Unix timestamp at which the order was created.


string Unique identifier of the offer.


integer The number of payment attempts, successful and failed, that have been made against this order.

Step 3: Turbo UPI Headless SDK Action

You need to link the customer's UPI account with your app. Use the code samples given below to


3.1 Get Customer's Linked UPI Account

Use the following code to fetch your customer's UPI account. If there are no linked UPI accounts, an empty list is returned.

razorpay.upiTurbo.getLinkedUpiAccounts("<customerMobile>", new UpiTurboResultListener(){
public void onError(@NonNull Error error) {
//Display error message to user.
public void onSuccess(@NonNull List<UpiAccount> accList) {
if (accList.size()==0){
//Display: no UpiAccounts onboarded yet. Please onboard an account.
//Display onboarded UpiAccounts.

Watch Out!

If the device binding is not completed and the getLinkedUpiAccounts is triggered, it will return OnError with a DEVICE_BINDING_INCOMPLETE error message.

Request Parameters

customerMobileThe customer's mobile number.
listenerThe listener to be sent should be of type UpiTurboResultListener .

Response Parameters

onSuccessThis function is triggered if the list was fetched successfully. accList can be empty to indicate that no accounts have been linked yet.
onErrorThis function is triggered in case an error is thrown during the retrieval process, either by Razorpay SDK or Bank SDK.

Handy Tips

  • Filter bank accounts related to each orderID or Whitelisted accounts.
  • You need to select which bank accounts users can use for payments.
  • For new users, you should display them the approved bank accounts that they can use for transactions. Users need to choose one from the provided list.

Use the following code to link the newly created UPI account with your app. This function can be called from anywhere in the application, providing multiple entry points for customers to link their UPI account with your app.

Handy Tips

If the order is not created, you can provide CustomerId to get bank accounts whitelisted for the customer.

accountNumber = tpvAccountNumber,
ifsc = tpvAccountIfsc,
bankName = tpvAccountName
.linkNewUpiAccount(new UpiTurboLinkAccountListener() {
public void onResponse(@NonNull UpiTurboLinkAction action) {
switch (action.getCode()) {
// Show dialog to redirect the user to the settings page of the application to grant permissions
if (action.getError() != null) {
// Display error message
if (action.getData() != null && action.getData() instanceof List) {
try {
List<?> simList = (List<?>) action.getData();
Sim sim1 = (Sim) simList.get(0);
Sim sim2 = (Sim) simList.get(1);
// Show dialogue with a list of sims
} catch (ClassCastException e) {
Card card = new Card("01", "28", "234567");
case STATUS:
if (action.getError() != null) {
// Show error message
if (action.getData() != null && action.getData() instanceof List) {
List<?> onboardedUpiAccounts = (List<?>) action.getData();
showUpiAccount((TPVEnabledAccount) onboardedUpiAccounts.get(0));
// Use this trigger to easily show background processes happening in the SDK during onboarding
showLoaderData((String) action.getData());

Request Parameters


The current state of customer registration with which you can call further functions. All values for this variable are exposed as an enum for ease of integration. Know more about the




Mobile number of the customer.


The unique identifier of the customer. You can create customer_id using the



conditionally mandatory

The tpvBankAccount parameter represents a bank account configuration used for UPI transactions, containing the account number, IFSC, and bank name.


conditionally mandatory

Order ID generated via


Parameter Combinations and Descriptions

customerId with TPV bank accountWhen linkNewUpiAccount is called with a customerId , TPV bank account details must also be included. This links the specific whitelisted account associated with that user.
orderId without TPV bank accountWhen linkNewUpiAccount is called with an orderId , it initiates the TPV process for linking whitelisted accounts. Ensure that TPV bank account details are not provided in this case.
orderId and customerIdIt is not allowed to pass both orderId and customerId simultaneously in the linkNewUpiAccount function. You should choose either of them.
orderId and TPV bank account detailsIt is not allowed to pass both orderId and TPV bank account details within the linkNewUpiAccount function. You should choose either one of them.
TPV bank account without customerId and orderIdYou can provide only the TPVBankAccount without passing the customerId and orderId .

Conditions for SELECT_SIM action

Conditions for SELECT_SIM action:

  • Triggered:
    • CASE 1: The customer's phone has only one SIM, but the mobile number provided is not the same as the mobile number in the SIM object.
    • CASE 2: The customer's phone has multiple SIMs, but the mobile number provided is not the same as the mobile number in the SIM object in either SIMs.
  • Non-Triggered:
    • CASE 1: The customer's phone has one SIM, and the mobile number provided is the same as the mobile number in the SIM object received.
    • CASE 2: The customer's phone has multiple SIMs, and the mobile number provided is the same as the mobile number in one of the SIM objects received by the OS.

To understand error codes for linkNewUpiAccount, refer to the


3.3 Submit Method

  1. To accept payments, call Custom Checkout’s submit method with the following payload:

    JSONObject payload = new JSONObject();
    payload.put("currency", "INR");
    payload.put("email", "");
    payload.put("contact", "919000090000");
    payload.put("amount", "10000");
    payload.put("method", "upi");
    JSONObject upiBlock = new JSONObject();
    upiBlock.put("flow", "in_app");
    payload.put("upi", upiBlock);
    payload.put("order_id", "order_L2MUBUOeFItcpU");//mandatory
    payload.put("customer_id", "cust_KQlMczYKcDIqmB");//optional
  2. Pass the vpa and payload objects as shown in the code below:

    HashMap<String, Object> turboPayload = new HashMap<>();
    turboPayload.put("upiAccount", upiAccount);
    turboPayload.put("payload", payload);
    razorpay.submit(turboPayload, new PaymentResultWithDataListener() {
    public void onPaymentSuccess(String razorpayPaymentID, PaymentData paymentData) {
    //show success message
    public void onPaymentError(int code, String response, PaymentData paymentData) {
    //Show error message

Handy Tips

In case of an error response, you will get a nested reason JSON object, which will contain the original error code and description from the bank/Secure component.

Steps 4: Store Fields in your Server

A successful payment returns the following fields to the Checkout form.

  • You need to store these fields in your server.
  • You can confirm the authenticity of these details by verifying the signature in the next step.
"razorpay_payment_id": "pay_29QQoUBi66xm2f",
"razorpay_order_id": "order_9A33XWu170gUtm",
"razorpay_signature": "9ef4dffbfd84f1318f6739a3ce19f9d85851857ae648f114332d8401e0949a3d"



string Unique identifier for the payment returned by Checkout only for successful payments.


string Unique identifier for the order returned by Checkout.


string Signature returned by the Checkout. This is used to verify the payment.

Step 5: Verify Signature

This is a mandatory step to confirm the authenticity of the details returned to the Checkout form for successful payments.

To verify the razorpay_signature returned to you by the Checkout form:

  1. Create a signature in your server using the following attributes:

    • order_id: Retrieve the order_id from your server. Do not use the razorpay_order_id returned by Checkout.
    • razorpay_payment_id: Returned by Checkout.
    • key_secret: Available in your server. The key_secret that was generated from the .
  2. Use the SHA256 algorithm, the razorpay_payment_id and the order_id to construct a HMAC hex digest as shown below:

    generated_signature = hmac_sha256(order_id + "|" + razorpay_payment_id, secret);
    if (generated_signature == razorpay_signature) {
    payment is successful
  3. If the signature you generate on your server matches the razorpay_signature returned to you by the Checkout form, the payment received is from an authentic source.

You can directly interact with the exposed methods of the Turbo Framework to perform the non-transactional flows listed below.

Fetch Balance

Fetch the customer's account balance. Call getBalance() on the bank account object received from upiAccount.

Change UPI PIN

Enable the customer to change their UPI PIN. Call changeUpiPin() on the bank account object received from UpiAccount.

Reset UPI

Let your customers reset the PIN for their account.

Let your customers delink, that is, remove a selected UPI account from your application.

  1. The below function is triggered internally after integrating with the Razorpay Android Custom SDK.

    public void onRequestPermissionsResult(int requestCode, @NonNull String[] permissions, @NonNull int[] grantResults){
    super.onRequestPermissionsResult(requestCode, permissions, grantResults);
  2. razorpay.onBackPressed() is triggered when a user tries to exit the app or return to the previous page. The razorpay.upiTurbo.destroy() function clears that particular session so that when the user returns, the payment process starts from the beginning.

    public void onBackPressed() {
  3. To get the device binding status, please use the variable razorpay.upiTurbo.deviceBindingDone of type boolean. It indicates whether the device binding, which is a prerequisite for adding UPI accounts, is done with the customer's mobile number.

    //show UI, which indicates device binding with the customer's mobile is pending
    //proceed with getLinkedUpiAccounts

Handy Tips

You can use the following S2S APIs to maintain and fetch a list of all tpv bank accounts for a customer.

Action Parameter Values

Following are the constants passed in the action.code parameter in onResponse.

NameDescriptionNext Function
ASK_FOR_PERMISSIONNo UPI account found. That is, the customer has not registered. You should start customer registration.action.requestPermission()
SHOW_PERMISSION_RATIONALEYou can use this to show a dialogue directing customer to navigate and enable it from app settings.NA (You should show Go To Settings UI to enable permissions for the users.)
SELECT_SIMSIM details are fetched from the device to show the customer to begin the registration process. This will be skipped if the customer only has one SIM on the device.action.selectedSim(sim)
SELECT_BANKObject AllBanks returned by SDK for user selectionaction.selectedBank(bank).
SELECT_BANK_ACCOUNTList of accounts related to the customer in the selected bank. (If no accounts are found on the mobile number, onError will not be null, indicating that you should request a different number/SIM based on the use case).action.selectedBankAccount(bankAccount)
SET_UPI_PINTriggered if the UPI PIN is not set for the selected bank account.action.setUpiPin(Card)
LOADER_DATAReturns messages that can be used for the loader, informing the customer of the steps during the onboarding process.NA
STATUSThe onboarding process's final status returns the onboarded UpiAccount or error after a bank account was selected or SET_UPI_PIN was triggered.NA

Error Codes for linkNewUpiAccount

ScenarioError CodeDescription
When linkNewUpiAccount includes a customerId , but no TPV bank details are present in the S2S APITPV_BANK_ACCOUNT_NOT_FOUNDAccount not found. Contact our .
When an account is linked using setCustomerId , but TPV bank details are not provided through setTpvBankAccountINVALID_REQUESTInvalid request. Bank account is required along with the customer_id .
The customer mobile number is not foundINVALID_MOBILE_NUMBERInvalid request. Mobile number is mandatory.
If the TPV bank is not included in the Axis bank listNO_BANK_FOUNDSelected bank is not available on UPI. Please try with a different bank.
If the TPV bank account is not included in the Axis bank account listNO_ACCOUNT_FOUNDAccount not found. Please try with a different bank account.
Case of account linking failureACCOUNT_LINK_ERRORSomething went wrong. Please try again
If both the orderId and TPV bank account are provided in setOrderId and setTpvBankAccount , respectivelyINVALID_REQUESTInvalid request. Both order and bank account cannot be passed.
If both the orderId and customerId are provided in setOrderId and setCustomerId , respectivelyINVALID_REQUESTInvalid request. Both order_id and customer_id cannot be passed.

Error Codes for Delete Bank Account API

Case 1: The bank account ID provided by users does not exist in Razorpay.

"error": {
"description": "Bank Account does not exist",
"source": "business",
"step": "delete_bank_account",
"reason": "bank_account_does_not_exist",
"metadata": {},
"field": "bank_account_id"

Case 2: The bank account ID provided by user is already deleted

"error": {
"description": "Bank Account is already deleted",
"source": "business",
"step": "bank_account_deletion",
"reason": "bank_account_already_deleted",
"metadata": {},
"field": "bank_account_id"

Case 3: When one business attempts to delete the bank account of another business

"error": {
"description": "Bank Account does not exist",
"source": "business",
"step": "bank_account_deletion",
"reason": "bank_account_does_not_exist",
"metadata": {},
"field": "bank_account_id"

Case 4: When a business provides an incorrect API key or API secret

"error": {
"description": "Unauthorized",
"source": "business",
"step": "bank_account_deletion",
"reason": "unauthorized",
"metadata": {},
"field": "bank_account_id"

The SDKs given below provide access to exposed models for seamless integration.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
getAccountNumberStringReturns masked bank account number.
getIfscStringReturns IFSC for Bank.
getBankNameStringReturns the name of the bank.
getBankLogoUrlStringReturns URL to the logo of the PNG image.
bankPlaceholderUrlStringImage URL for bank logo placeholder.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
getAccountNumber()StringMasked account number.
getBeneficiaryName()StringName of account holder.
getBank()StringThe bank code.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
getIfsc()StringIFSC code of bank.
getName()StringName of bank.
getImageURL()StringImage URL of bank logo.
bankPlaceholderUrlStringImage URL for bank logo placeholder.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
getBalance()longBalance amount in paise.
getCurrency()StringCurrency Type in INR.
getId()StringBank Account id.


errorCodeTypes of error codes
  • BAD_REQUEST_ERROR: Failure from the client's end (SDK).
  • GATEWAY_ERROR: Failure either from the Secure Component or the Bank.
  • SERVER_ERROR: Failure at PSP.
errorDescriptionBrief description of the error.
errorReasonSpecifies the specific reason for the error.
errorSourceIndicates the origin of the error.
errorStepHighlights the stage where the error occurred.

[This is the latest version of the list and was last updated on February 27th, 2024]


MethodReturn TypeDescription
getAccountNumberStringReturns masked bank account number.
getAccountTypeStringThe account type. Possible values are savings and current .
getIfscStringReturns IFSC for Bank.
getBankNameStringReturns name of bank.
getBankLogoUrlStringReturns URL to the logo of the PNG image.
bankPlaceholderUrlStringImage URL for bank logo placeholder.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
getId()StringSIM id used to target SIM card for binding.
getProvider()StringNetwork provider name.
getSlotNumber()IntegerSIM slot number. Possible values are 0 and 1 .
getNumber()StringMobile number stored in SIM card.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
getLastSixDigits()StringLast six digits of the debit card number.
getExpiryYear()StringExpiry year. Format: YY.
getExpiryMonth()StringExpiry month.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
getPopularBanks()List<Bank>Returns the list of the top 8 banks.
getAllBanks()List<Bank>Returns a list of all banks.


MethodReturn TypeDescription
additionalDetails()NASend additional required parameters.
requestPermissions()NARequest for required permissions and get SIM details.
selectedSim()NASend selected SIM object to SDK.
selectedBank()NASend selected bank object to SDK.
selectedBankAccount()NASend selected bankAccount object to SDK.
setUpiPin()NASend card object to SDK to create UPI pin.

We recommend the following:

  • Complete the integration on UAT before using the prod builds.
  • Perform the UAT using the Razorpay-provided API keys.

Complete these steps to take your integration live:

  • You should get your app id whitelisted by Razorpay to test on prod.

    Handy Tips

    Contact our

    to get your mobile number and app whitelisted.

  • Import the prod library from the Github repository → prod branch.

  • Add Proguard rules:

    • keepclassmembers,allowobfuscation class * { <fields>; }
    • keepclassmembers enum * { *; }
    • keepclassmembers class * { @android.webkit.JavascriptInterface <methods>; }
    • dontwarn com.razorpay.**
    • keep class com.razorpay.** {*;}
    • keep class com.olivelib.** {*;}
    • keep class com.olive.** {*;}
    • keep class** {*;}
    • keep interface** {*;}
    • keep class org.npci.** {*;}
    • keep interface org.npci.** {*;}
    • keep class retrofit2.** { *; }
    • keep class okhttp3.** { *; }
  • Replace the UAT credential with the

    for prod testing.

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