Customer Support Details

Steps to add or update your business' customer support details on the Razorpay Dashboard.

You can add your support details to the transaction emails sent to your customers. This will help your customers know how to reach you for any queries.

To add support details:

  1. Log in to the .
  2. Click Account & Settings and navigate to Customer support details under Business settings section.
    Add Customer Support Details on Dashboard
  3. Click Add and enter:
    • Phone Number
    • Email
    • Website/ Contact Us Link
  4. Click Submit.

To edit support details:

  1. Log in to the .
  2. Click Account & Settings and navigate to Customer support details under Business settings section.
  3. Navigate to the phone number, email or website/contact us link field and click Edit.
    Edit Customer Support Details on Dashboard
  4. Click Submit.

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customer support