Best Practices for Standard Checkout Integration

Best practices for a smoother Standard Checkout web integration and payment experience.

Follow the best practices for a smooth Standard Checkout web integration.

  1. Capture Payment Using Payment Capture Settings

    You must capture the authorised payments for the settlement of the payments in your bank account. Use the

    to configure the capture settings at an account level via the Dashboard.

  2. Integrate Orders API

    Orders bind multiple payment attempts for a single order. This helps to prevent multiple payments.

    on your server-side and pass the order_id to Checkout.

  3. Verify Signature to Avoid Data Tampering

    This is a mandatory step to confirm the authenticity of the details returned to the Checkout form for successful payments. Know how to


  4. Check Payment/Order Status before Providing Services

    Check the payment/order status, that is if the payment's status is captured and the order's status is paid before proving the services to the customers.

  5. Implement Webhooks

    Implement webhooks or the query API to avoid callback failure (drop-offs could be due to connectivity or network failure) and to verify the payment details via an S2S call. Know more about

    . You should enable the following webhooks:

    • payment.captured
    • payment.failed
    • order.paid
  6. Implement Callback URL

    Sites like Instagram, Facebook Messenger, Opera and UC browser do not support i-frame. You should implement

    if your customers use any of these for making payments.

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