
Integrate with Subscriptions API using partner auth.

You can use Razorpay Subscriptions to set up and manage recurring payments. These recurring payments are payments that:

  • You can charge as per a billing model defined that you define.
  • Do not require any intervention from the customer as the process is automated.

You can automatically charge customers based on a billing cycle that you control. It allows you to easily create and manage Subscriptions and get instant alerts on payment activity as well as the status of Subscriptions.

Given below is the sample code for the Create a Subscription API. Pass the account_id of the sub-merchant using X-Razorpay-Account in the header.

Handy Tips

You should

before creating a subscription.


Given below is the sample code for Fetch all Subscriptions API. Pass the account_id of the sub-merchant using X-Razorpay-Account in the header.

-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-H "X-Razorpay-Account: acc_Ef7ArAsdU5t0XL" \

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