Subscribe to Webhooks

Use webhooks to get notified about Transaction events and Sub-Merchant Onboarding events.

Subscribe to webhook events relevant to partners to receive notifications (in the form of a webhook payload) when these events occur.

Watch this video to see how you can subscribe to Partner Webhooks.

To subscribe to webhook events:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Navigate to Partner's DashboardSettingsWebhooks to subscribe to any of the events mentioned in the following section.
  3. Click on Manage settings.
  4. In the Webhook Setup pop-up page:
    1. Enter the URL where you want to receive the webhook payload when an event is triggered. We recommended using an HTTPS URL.
    2. Enter a Secret for the webhook endpoint. The secret is used to validate that the webhook is from Razorpay.
    3. In the Alert Email field, enter the email address to which the notifications should be sent in case of webhook failure.
    4. Select the required events from the list of Active Events.
  5. Click Create Webhook.

There are 2 types of events:

  1. Transaction Events: These are events related to payment transactions performed by the sub-merchants. The partner at a sub-merchant level can configure these events.
  2. Sub-Merchant Onboarding Events: These events are related to the onboarding status of the sub-merchant. This is subscribed at the partner level and not configurable at the sub-merchant level. Subscribing to this event will enable the partner to get the onboarding status of all sub-merchants.

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Check the

for the above-mentioned webhook events.

You can check the events and sample payloads of

. Know more about .

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