Payouts Best Practices

Check the best practices when integrating RazorpayX payouts.

The following table lists the best practices for integrating RazorpayX payouts:

Select how you want to create payouts using APIs.
Guidelines to follow when making API calls.
Save and manage your API keys.
Best way to check the payout state.
Provides additional details about each payouts' status.
Ensure payouts are never made to the wrong account.
Reduce human error when creating payouts.
Enhances the overall payout success rate.
Get notified when your RazorpayX account balance drops below a set threshold.
Ensure payouts do not fail due to insufficient balance in your RazorpayX account.
Handle 5XX Errors efficiently. Safely retry the same request multiple times without fear of performing the same action more than once.
Add a layer of security by ensuring API calls are only made from allowlisted IPs.

Guidelines to follow while making API calls:

  • All the API calls have to be server-to-server calls. API calls made from an Android application or website frontend will fail.
  • Ensure all the calls are made within a range of 5-10 transactions per sec (TPS).
  • Pass your RazorpayX bank account number against the account_number parameter in the Payout API/Composite Payout API.
    • DO NOT pass your beneficiary account number here. The payout will fail.
    • Use your customer identifier to make payouts from RazorpayX Lite.
    • Use your current account number to make payouts from your RazorpayX Current Account.
    • Navigate to My Account and SettingsBanking to get your RazorpayX bank account number.
  • We recommend using your internal transaction_id as the reference_id value in a Payout API request.
  • In some cases, a webhook can be triggered more than once. We recommend you to apply deduplication while consuming webhooks based on the Payout ID and the payout status.

  • Ensure that your API key, that is the <KEY_ID> and <KEY_SECRET>, is not publicly available. Limited people should have access to this. We recommend you store them as environment variables.
  • Ensure you download and save your API key when you generate them. We do not store these at our end. If you lose them, you will have to regenerate your API key.
  • The API keys are the same for Payment Gateway and RazorpayX. Regenerating the keys will affect both PG and RazorpayX APIs.

There are two types of APIs to create payouts.

  • Normal Payout API
  • Composite Payout API

You can use Normal Payout API to:

  1. Create a . You receive a Contact id in the response.
  2. Create a Fund account using the Contact id. The Fund account can be a or .
  3. Create a Payout to or using the Fund account id.

You can use the Composite Payout API to create a Contact, Fund account and payout in a single API call.

  • After a payout is created, a payout can remain in the processing state for T+3 working days, where T is the transaction time. From the processing state, a payout can move to the processed or reversed state.
  • It is possible for a payout in the processed state to move to the reversed state. This can happen in a maximum time of T+3 working days. This happens in very rare occasions.

Know more about


are sent as part of the fetch payout API response and webhook payloads. It provides additional details about each payout status. A payout update webhook is sent every time an attribute in status details changes.

  • API calls are asynchronous. We DO NOT recommend using the Fetch Payout API to check the status of the payouts.
  • We recommend subscribing to our to get instant notifications. Webhooks are triggered whenever there is a change in the status of the payout. You can update your database using the webhook payload.

Always validate your customer's Fund account to ensure it is the account number where your user wants to receive the amount. Know more about


Watch Out!

If your user provides an account number by mistake which is not where the user wants the amount, the payout gets processed if the account number exists. Hence, we recommend you to validate the Fund accounts before making a payout.

We recommend that you enable workflows on your account. This allows you to set up a maker-checker process. You can have 1 person create a payout and save it as a draft. Next, you can have someone from the financial team check the payouts before they are processed. Know more about


Intelligent Payouts automatically detects the degradation of beneficiary bank or NPCI and queues the payout in the system for a pre-defined SLA, thereby reducing the chances of payouts being

, preventing money from getting blocked for T+3 days.

This feature is enabled by default. You just have to consume the payout.failed event to utilise this feature. Know more about


We recommend that you set low balance alerts on your RazorpayX account. Once set, we will notify you when your RazorpayX account balance drops below the set threshold. Know more about


If your RazorpayX account does not have sufficient funds to process a payout, the payout fails.

To avoid such scenarios, we recommend passing queue_if_low_balance: true in the Payout API request. When you pass the parameter, if you do not have sufficient balance to process the payout, the payout is queued instead of failing. The queued payouts are automatically processed when you add funds to your RazorpayX account. Know more about


We recommend you ensure your payout API requests are idempotent. Idempotency allows you to safely retry or send the same request multiple times without fear of performing the same action more than once. Know more about


Watch Out!

is mandatory to make a successful payout.


You made a request, but were unable to read/save the response sent by Razorpay. In such cases, you make another payout request. Assuming the first request was successful, your account will be debited twice. Making your payout requests idempotent helps you avoid such scenarios.

To make a request idempotent:

  1. Add the header X-Payout-Idempotency to the request and pass an idempotency key against it. When a payout request is idempotent, you can make the same call multiple times, but the amount will be deducted only once.
  2. If a duplicate request is found with the same idempotency key, we return the payout's latest state.

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and .

It is mandatory to

. This means we will process the API calls made from the allowlisted IPs only.

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