Set Payout Links Expiry

Check how to set expiry for RazorpayX Payout Links and how to add, modify or delete expiry.

With Payout Links, you can offer cashbacks, refund deposits, or refunds in case of cash on delivery transactions. However, if the end user does not claim the benefit, the amount is not disbursed and this results in bookkeeping issues for enterprises.

To resolve this, you can set your Payout Links to expire after a certain time. By default, Payout Links do not expire. You must:

The Payout Link then expires on that specific date or after the chosen duration.

You can set a Payout Link to expire:

  • While creating the Payout Link.
  • After creating the Payout Link.

Your contact receives 3 reminders for 3 days before the Payout Link expires.

You have to enable the setting to set expiry date on Payout Links. To enable this feature:

  1. Log in to your .
  2. Navigate to My Account & Settings.
  3. Click Business Profile.
  4. Scroll to the PAYOUT LINK EXPIRY section and enable the feature using the toggle as shown:
    Enable Payout Link expiry toggle on RazorpayX Dashboard

You can also enable expiry from the Payout Links Dashboard.

  1. Log in to your .
  2. Navigate to the More Options (⋮) menu as shown and click Expiry Settings from the menu.
    Expiry Settings in the Payout Links Dashboard
  3. On the Business Profile page, you can enable expiry for Payout Links.

After you enable expiry, you can set the following for Payout Links:

  • Expiry date
  • Expiry time

Watch Out!

Ensure the expiry time is greater than the current time by at least 15 minutes. For example, if the current time is 15:00, the expiry time must be greater than 15:15.

To set expiry date on a Payout Link:

  1. Log in to your .
  2. Navigate to Payout Links from the left menu.
  3. Click +PAYOUT LINK.
  4. Select contact to whom you want to send the Payout Link or add new contact and complete the procedure.
  5. Click NEXT.
  6. Provide details such as amount, Payout purpose, and Payout Reason.
  7. Select the Set Expiry Date checkbox and add the expiry date and time as shown here:
    Setting expiry date on Payout Links modal on RazorpayX Dashboard
  9. Enter the OTP sent to your registered mobile number/email address.
  10. Click CREATE LINK.

You can also set expiry after creating the Payout Link and modify it as well.

To add expiry for existing Payout Links:

  1. Log in to your Payout Links from the left menu.
  2. Navigate to the specific Payout Link and open the Payout Link details view.
  3. Click SET EXPIRY DATE, as shown.
    Add expiry date for existing links
  4. Select the date and the time by when you want the Payout Link to expire.
    specific and meaningful image title
  5. Click CONFIRM.

You have successfully added expiry for an existing Payout Link.

To modify the expiry set for a Payout Link:

  1. Log in to your Payout Links from the left menu.
  2. Navigate to the specific Payout Link and open the Payout Link details view.
  3. Click the edit icon, as shown.
    Add expiry date for existing links
  4. Change the date and the time by when you want the Payout Link to expire.
    specific and meaningful image title

You have successfully updated the expiry for an existing Payout Link.

You can remove expiry for your Payout Links if they are no longer applicable. To do so:

  1. Click and open the Payout Link details view.
  2. Click the edit icon, as shown.
    Add expiry date for existing links
    specific and meaningful image title

You have successfully removed the expiry for a Payout Link.

Handy Tips

  • Expired Payout Links can be duplicated to create another Payout Link with same details. Contact, Fund Account and amount details are automatically returned in the duplicated Payout Link.

  • Once you enable expiry for Payout Links from the Dashboard, you can find the expiry parameters in the API response too (if you are using the


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