Generate API Keys

Know how new and existing merchants can generate Test Mode and Live Mode API keys from the RazorpayX Dashboard.

After you

, you can generate API keys in both Test mode and Live mode.

Watch Out!

  • If you have newly signed up for RazorpayX, you must generate a new set of API keys.
  • If you are an existing Razorpay user, use your existing API key to fire Payout APIs. Do not regenerate your API Keys.
  • API Keys generated in the Live mode will not work in the Test mode and vice versa.
  • After generating the keys from the Dashboard, DOWNLOAD KEY DETAILS and save them securely. The Key secret is not visible on the Dashboard due to security reasons. If you have misplaced the key details, regenerate the keys and replace them wherever required.

To generate API keys:

  1. Log in to your


  2. Navigate to the user icon in the top-right corner of the screen and click `My Profile' → My Accounts & Settings.

  3. Navigate to Developer Controls and click Generate Key.

    Handy Tips

    When generating API keys in Live mode, you must enter the OTP sent to you. This is to authroize the new user generating a new set of keys.
    The same is not applicable for Test Mode.

  4. Download the keys when the pop-up appears.

Test Mode API Keys

Watch this video to see how to generate API keys in the test mode.

Live Mode API Keys

Watch Out!

You must activate your account to make live payouts. To activate your account, provide the following KYC information from your Dashboard:

  • Contact Info
  • Business Details
  • Your Bank Account Information
  • Business Documents such as ID proof, Business Registration proof and Company PAN.

We have a Postman collection to make the integration quicker and easier. Click the Run in Postman button below to get started.

You can regenerate API keys from the Dashboard.

To regenerate keys:

  1. Log in to your .
  2. Navigate to the user icon in the top-right corner of the screen and click `My Profile' → My Accounts & Settings.
  3. Navigate to Developer Controls and click REGENERATE KEY.

This allows you to deactivate the old key immediately or within 24 hours.

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generate razorpayx api keys
razorpayx api testmode
api keys in livemode
postman integration