Administrator Role

Understand and manage your employees and contractors. Explore Admin role in HR and provide special permissions in RazorpayX Payroll.

People in an organization, primarily the employees and the contractors, are the company's most valuable asset. It is important to honour their needs and requirements.

RazorpayX Payroll ensures efficiency in your people management processes and streamlines how you manage people operations in your company.

Handy Tips

All the people added to RazorpayX Payroll as an employee by default, unless stated otherwise.

Employees and contractors are different fundamentally, structurally and legally. Due to this, their employment and compensation processes are different too.

Payroll identifies two kinds of people working in a company:

  • An Employee
  • A Contractor

Misclassification of employment can severely damage the working experience and work environment. The following section lists down the key differences between an employee and a contractor.

Differences between Employee and Contractor

Point of DifferenceEmployeeContractor
Nature of ContractEmployed through a Contract of Service .Employed through a Contract for Service .
Compensation and RemunerationPaid monthly salary.Paid professional fees/stipends for services provided on an ad-hoc basis, which can be monthly as well, similar to a salary.
Roles and ResponsibilitiesHas a specific set of responsibilities as per their designation and job description (JD).Works on short-term or long-term projects and has project-specific duties only.
Payroll MemberConsidered to be on the permanent payroll of the company and is automatically included in Payroll.Not considered to be on the permanent payroll of the company; is a part of accounts payable, and payments are processed through one-time payments in Payroll.
CompliancePF, ESI, Professional Tax, TDS and more apply to employees, and Payroll manages them.Compliance charges and benefits are not applicable.
Employee BenefitsCompanies must allow employee benefits as per the statutory laws governing the region.Contractors are exempt from benefits recommended by statutory laws unless the company mentions providing them on the service agreement.
TaxationTax is deducted at source for employees. Due to compliance and employee benefits, one can avail tax-free schemes as an employee.Payroll calculates TDS and other taxes as applicable, but the contractor is wholly responsible for other taxes payable.

Quickly onboard your contractors when they become your employees, and vice versa. When the employee classification changes, you must adhere to a new compensation structure that your company follows.

As shown in the gif below, you can change a Contractor into an Employee or vice versa.

Changing employee type in Payroll.

To change your person's employment classification, you should:

  1. Go to the People page, and search for the employee/contractor.
  2. Click on their name and edit the Basic Information section.
  3. Under Type of Employee, select as required.

When you add a person to your company's payroll as an employee or a contractor, Payroll sends them a

. This allows the employees to access the Employee Dashboard on Payroll.

You can perform the following actions to resolve employees' login issues, if any.

Mail not Received

If your employees report

from Payroll, the following could be the reasons:

  • Typos in the email address entered/provided:
    In such cases, please check the email address entered. You can ask the employee/s to confirm and update their email address.

  • Email marked as spam:
    The email provider may be blocking emails from RazorpayX Payroll as spam.

    • Advise your employees to check their spam folders.
    • The organisation administrators can also re-trigger a welcome email from the employee's profile page.
    • Employee can also visit the → click Forgot password? to send themselves a password reset email.

If none of these work,

. We will share the password reset link with you directly.

Watch Out!

Ensure that you contact us through your registered email address or use your organisation's administrator's email address.

Disable Login

You can control your employee/contactor's access to the Dashboard. Disabling login is useful when an employee avails sabbaticals during which they may not access the Dashboard or if there are concerns about unauthorized access.

To disable login:

  1. Log in to the .
  2. Navigate to People from the left menu.
  3. In the employee/contractor list, click on the employee's profile whose Dashboard access you must temporarily restrict.

You have successfully disabled access for that particular employee.

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