Tally Account Statement Integration

Integrate and sync your RazorpayX account statements with Tally with RazorpayX for reconciliation.

Sync Account Statements

You can integrate your RazorpayX Account Statement with Tally to sync payment information from RazorpayX and reconcile. After integration, all the transaction data on the RazorpayX bank statement flows into your accounting software, saving you time and effort.

  • Account Statement can be synced with both RazorpayX Lite and Current Account.

  • It updates automatically at the given time, every day.

  • It passes all the required context you need to categorise your transaction.

    Navigate to Account StatementAutomate Accounting on the Dashboard and Select the software of your choice.

    Accounting Integration

Integrate your RazorpayX Account Statement with your Tally application to sync payment information and reconcile.

Once the integration is successful, all the transaction data on the RazorpayX bank statement will automatically flow into Tally, saving you time and effort. It works with both your RazorpayX Lite and Current Accounts.


feature is available as part of the . With this integration, you can understand your transactions in a business perspective, rather than just a banking perspective.

The account statements is synced every day at 6:00 am and 8:00 pm.



  1. Open Tally on your system.

  2. Click F1TDLs & Add-onsManage Local TDS.

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  3. Go to file name, click Specify Path and paste the file path.

  4. Select TCP file and type YES under Load TDL to enable it. Press enter.

  5. Go back to the Gateway of Tally home screen. On your right, you will see 2 more options, RazorpayX Settings and RazorpayX Sync.

  6. Click RazorpayX Settings and Enable RazorpayX Integration by entering YES. Under authentication settings, enter your MID (log in to Dashboard and click on profile to find yours) and enter your registered email ID.

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    Watch Out!

    Only the Admin account's details must be shared on Tally for the integration to work. Other team members's account details will not be accepted. We will send an OTP to the registered ID once a week to authenticate the admin.

  7. Enable Sync all transaction from RazorpayX to the Bank Ledger by selecting YES. You can also enable Invoice Sync Settings by selecting YES, if you have an existing vendor payment integration.

  8. Click Accept settings.

  9. An OTP is sent to your email. Enter the OTP for verification.

This completes the integration. To select a ledger for the flow of transaction, follow the steps below:

  1. Upon successful integration, a pop-up saying Map RazorpayX Bank Account to Bank Ledger will appear on the screen which displays details of all the RazorpayX Accounts you have.

  2. Under the Creation Method, you can either choose Create New or Map to Existing Ledgers and then under the Tally Bank Ledger, you can either select the existing Tally Bank Ledger or Create New. All your transaction details will flow into whichever ledger you select.

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  3. Press Enter.

After completing the above integration steps, try creating a Payout on RazorpayX.

  1. While entering the Payout Details, under Payout Purpose, you will be able to see additional payout purposes specific to a business’ expenses. This lets you add a reason behind a particular transaction.
  2. Proceed and create a payout by clicking on Pay.
  3. Now, go to Tally after the next scheduled sync (at 6:00 am or 8:00 pm) and navigate to Gateway of Tally. Under Utilities, click on RazorpayX and then click on RazorpayX Bank Statement. Select the Bank Account Ledger for which you want to view the statement, i.e. the account used to create the recent payout.
  4. You will be able to see all the bank transaction entries. Click on the entry for which you made the payment recently.
  5. Under Narration at the bottom, you will be able to find all the details associated with the transaction, which you would have to manually share with your finance team.
  6. You can convert this voucher into a payment entry, a receipt or a journal entry. After this, you approve it and that voucher will be posted to your Tally.

Using this feature, you will be able to categorize your transactions into specific expense ledgers very quickly and make your reconciliation and compliance very smooth.

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sync tally with razorpayx
razorpay tally reconcile
tally integration prerequisite