3. Go-Live Checklist

Check the go-live checklist for Razorpay Trusted Business (RTB) widget on Shopify website's integration.

After previewing and testing the widget on your Shopify Dashboard, you must replace the test mode API keys with the live mode API keys. You can generate the

. from the Razorpay Dashboard.

Your customers can view the widget on your website. After they click the widget, it redirects them to the RTB website to access more information.

  • Here is a glimpse of the default widget:

    On Web

    View the RTB widget on desktop

    On Mobile

    View the RTB widget on mobile
  • Here is a glimpse of the RTB webpage:

    On Web

    Desktop view of the RTB website for more information

    On Mobile

    Mobile view of the RTB website for more information

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razorpay trusted business widget