Batch Operations

Create Recurring Payments using the batch upload feature from the Razorpay Dashboard.

You can

and in bulk using the batch feature available from the Dashboard. You can check the status of the bulk action in the respective batch reports.

The following table lists the various states of a batch file:

You can create registration links in bulk using the Batch Upload feature.

Handy Tips

  • You can upload batch files in either in the .xlsx or the .csv format.
  • The maximum file size is 55MB and 5,00,000 rows.
  • Ensure you enter the amount in paise. For example, if the amount is ₹1,000, you should enter the value as 100000.
  • The links are processed in the same sequence as listed in the file.
  • Do not modify the column headers. Modifying the column headers causes the batch upload to fail.

To create a registration link:

  1. Log in to the Dashboard.
  2. Under PAYMENT PRODUCTS, navigate to SubscriptionsBatch UploadUpload New BatchBatch Registration Links.
  3. Download the .
  4. Add the required data. Know more about the Batch Fields from the .
  5. Upload the file to the Dashboard.
  6. Select the relevant notification options, SMS and/or Email.
  7. Click Create.

Watch this video to know how to create registration links using the batch feature from the Dashboard.

The following table lists the fields required to create a registration link:



The customer's name. For example, Gaurav Kumar.



The customer's email address. For example,



The customer's contact number. For example, 9876543210.


mandatory if method = card/upi

The registration amount you want to charge the customer in paise.

  • For Card, the minimum value is 100 (that is ₹1).
  • For Emandate and NACH, the authorization value is 0.
    Auto-charge First Payment

    You can choose to auto-charge the customer an initial payment immediately after authorisation by entering any value greater than 0. For example, if you enter 100000, the customer is auto-charged ₹1,000 as soon as the token is confirmed.
  • For UPI, the minimum value is 100 (that is ₹1).


mandatory if amount is provided

The 3-letter ISO currency code for the payment. Currently, only INR is allowed.



The payment method to be authorized. This can be:

  • emandate
  • card
  • nach
  • upi



The date and time of expiry for a mandate.
Minimum value is 1 day. Defaults to 30 years for Emandate and UPI. The maximum value you can set is 30 years from the current date. Any value beyond this will throw an error. Supported formats:

  • DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm:ss (For example, 31/12/2019 00:59:59)
  • DD/MM/YYYY HH:mm



Emandate, NACH and UPI only. Maximum amount for the token (in paise).

  • For emandate:
    • Default value is 9999900 (₹99,999).
    • Minimum value is 500 (₹5).
    • Maximum value is is 1000000000 (₹1,00,00,000).
  • For Paper NACH:
    • Default value is 10000000 (₹1 lac).
    • Minimum value is 500 (₹5).
    • Maximum value is 1000000000 (₹1 cr).
  • For UPI:
    • Default value is 500000 (₹5,000).
    • Minimum value is 100 (₹1).
    • Maximum value is 500000 (₹5,000).


mandatory if method = upi

The frequency at which you can charge your customer. Possible values:

  • daily
  • weekly
  • monthly
  • quarterly
  • yearly
  • fortnightly
  • bimonthly
  • half_yearly
  • as_presented


mandatory if mehtod =emandate and nach

Emandate, UPI and NACH only. The payment authorisation type. Possible values:

  • netbanking or debitcard for emandate. Leave this blank if you want to allow the customer to select their preferred option when making the payment.
  • physical for NACH.


mandatory if method = nach

Emandate and NACH only. Bank code to preselect a bank. For example, HDFC.
You can fetch bank codes by firing the following API as a GET request:


mandatory if method = nach and upi

Emandate, UPI and NACH only. Name of the account holder. For example, Gaurav Kumar. This field is mandatory for the UPI method only if you have enabled the TPV functionality. Please contact our

to enable TPV on your Razorpay account.


mandatory if method = emandate, nach and upi

Emandate, UPI and NACH only. The bank's IFSC. For example, HDFC0001234. This field is mandatory for the UPI method only if you have enabled the TPV functionality. Please contact our

to enable TPV on your Razorpay account.


mandatory if method = emandate, nach and upi

Emandate, UPI and NACH only. Customer's bank account number. For example, 11214311215411. This field is mandatory for the UPI method only if you have enabled the TPV functionality. Please contact our

to enable TPV on your Razorpay account.


mandatory if method = emandate, nach and upi

Emandate, UPI and NACH only. Bank account type. This field is mandatory for the UPI method only if you have enabled the TPV functionality. Please contact our

to enable TPV on your Razorpay account. Possible values:
  • savings
  • current



A user-entered unique identifier for the order. For example, Receipt No. 1. This parameter should be mapped to the order_id sent by Razorpay.



A user-entered description for the registration link. For example, 12 p.m. Meals.



Date and time of expiry for the registration link. Supported format DD/MM/YYYY. For example, 17/12/2020.

notes[custom 1]


Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. You can add up to 5 custom notes in the following format:

  • notes[portfolio id]
  • notes[transaction id]

Bank Details

For Emandate, you should provide all the required bank details or leave all the fields blank. Following are the required bank details:

  • bank
  • account_holder_name
  • ifsc
  • account_number
  • account_type

If you enter details for a few fields and leave the other blank, will lead to failure.

After a batch file is processed, you can download the batch report from the Dashboard. Click the batch_id to view details of how many rows were uploaded, how many rows were processed successfully and how many rows failed.

Click Download Report to download the report. This report has the following additional fields that give you information about the authorisation link or the reason for failure.


The status of the authorisation link. Possible values:

  • success
  • failed


The unique identifier for the authorisation link. For example, inv_E7vb0PqKa4VpBc.


The short URL for the authorisation link. For example,


The status of the authorisation link. For example, issued.


Timestamp, in Unix format, when the authorisation link was created. For example, 1580134092.

Error Code

The error code for the failure. For example, BAD_REQUEST_ERROR.

Error Description

The reason for the error. For example:

  • Bank code provided is invalid.
  • expire_by should be at least 15 minutes after current time
  • The ifsc code field is required.

To charge tokens using the batch upload feature, you will first need the list of

for which recurring payments are to be created.

Handy Tips

  • You can upload batch files in either in the .xlsx or the .csv format.
  • The maximum file size is 55MB and 5,00,000 rows.
  • Ensure you enter the amount in paise. For example, if the amount is ₹1,000, you should enter the value as 100000.
  • The links are processed in the same sequence as listed in the file.
  • Do not modify the column headers. Modifying the column headers causes the batch upload to fail.

Once you have the list of tokens you can either:

Watch this video to know how to charge tokens immediately from the Dashboard using the batch feature.

To charge tokens immediately:

  1. Log in to Dashboard.
  2. Under PAYMENT PRODUCTS, navigate to SubscriptionsBatch UploadUpload New BatchBatch Recurring Payments.
  3. Download the .
  4. Add the required data. Know more about the Batch Fields from the .
  5. Upload the file to the Dashboard.
  6. Select Process Now.
  7. Click Create.

You can schedule to charge tokens in bulk.

Watch this video to know how to schedule a charge on tokens from the Dashboard using the bulk upload feature.

To schedule to charge tokens:

  1. Log in to Dashboard.
  2. Under PAYMENT PRODUCTS, navigate to SubscriptionsBatch UploadUpload New BatchBatch Recurring Payments.
  3. Download the .
  4. Add the required data. Know more about the Batch Fields from the .
  5. Upload the file to the Dashboard.
  6. Select Schedule for Later and select the date and time you want to charge the tokens. The schedule time should be at least 1 hour from the current time.
  7. Click Create.

The following table lists the fields required to charge a token:



The unique identifier for the token. For example, token_1Aa00000000001.



The unique identifier of the customer. For example, cust_1Aa00000000001.



The amount, in paise, you want to charge the customer. For example, enter 69999 for ₹699.99.



The 3-letter ISO currency code for the payment. Currently, only INR is allowed.



A user-entered unique identifier for the order. For example, Receipt No. 1. This parameter should be mapped to the order_id sent by Razorpay.



A user-entered description for the payment. For example, 12 p.m. Meals.

notes[custom 1]


Key-value pair that can be used to store additional information about the entity. You can add up to 5 custom notes in the following format:

  • notes[portfolio id]
  • notes[transaction id]

Once a batch file is processed, you can download the processed file from the Dashboard. Click the batch_id to view details of how many rows were uploaded, how many rows were processed successfully and how many rows failed.

Click Download Report to download the processed file. This file has the following additional fields that give you information about the authorization link or the reason for failure.


The unique identifier linked to the order for the payment. For example, order_E16Yt72tHs34li.


The unique identifier for the payment. For example, pay_E16YtBnEk38fAm.

Error Code

The error code for the failure. For example, BAD_REQUEST_ERROR.

Error Description

The reason for the error. For example, Payment amount exceeds the maximum amount allowed.

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